Thank you all!

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A big thank you to all of you who participated in MoodleMoot Finland in 27-28 May 2024 in Helsinki. You made this a great and memorable event.

On the programme page you will find information about the recordings and presentation slides. More will be added during the summer.

A big thank you also to all our sponsors. Please read their greetings to you.

MoodleMoot Finland 2024 in numbers

  • 239 participants
  • 15 countries
  • 49 presentations
  • 61 speakers

Feedback of the event

Thank you to all those who gave feedback. We received 55 responses and most of them were satisfied with the event.

Was the MoodleMoot Finland 2024 worth your time?

“The MoodleMoot Finland 2024 received mostly positive feedback from attendees. While some of the presentations were considered basic, with a few noted as geared more towards admins rather than educators, the majority found the sessions and workshops informative and useful. The venue was frequently mentioned as excellent and the number of participants was deemed ideal for networking and discussions.

Several attendees expressed appreciation for the team’s efforts and organization, noting that the event was well-structured and featured high-quality keynote speakers. The use of English for presentations was particularly appreciated, as it fostered inclusivity. However, some feedback suggested adding a third day to the event to strengthen networking opportunities and including more workshops.

Comments on the food were mixed; while some appreciated the vegetarian options, others wished for non-vegetarian choices or noted the meals were unremarkable. The evening program received mixed reviews too, with some dissatisfaction directed towards the venue and the quality of the food and drinks provided there.

Overall, despite minor criticisms about specific sessions or logistical aspects, the consensus was that the event was engaging, provided valuable insights, and was well-received by the community, prompting calls for it to be a regular event. There was enthusiasm for participating in future MoodleMoots.”

The first MoodleMoot Finland was held in Lahti in 2007. Hopefully we don’t have to wait so long for the next one.

We thank the AI for the feedback summary and for subtitling the videos.

Welcome to the MoodleMoot Finland in 27-28 May 2024 in Helsinki! 

Programme and Attendee Guide has been published!

Use the hashtag #MootFI24 to join the conversation on social media!
The official chat room of the conference, called “Moodle in Finnish”, is at the Moodle Community Matrix space (invite link).

This conference brings together educators, administrators, developers, and other stakeholders across Finland and the surrounding regions to explore and share ideas about Moodle LMS. It is an opportunity to learn about the latest developments and trends in educational technology and pedagogy.

The theme of the MoodleMoot is “Open minds, open education: pathways to sustainable and inclusive learning environments”. We invite educators, developers, leaders and others from all over the world to collaborate and discuss about the future of open-source learning. In the MoodleMoot we share best practices and improve the quality of education.

MoodleMoot Highlights

MoodleMoot Finland offers a wide variety of activities and presentations for teachers, learning technologists, developers, and others. Here are some of the highlights which to wait for:

Keynotes: Our amazing keynote speakers are Marie Achour from Moodle HQ in Australia, Tim Hunt from the Open University in the UK, and Ben Cowley from the University of Helsinki in Finland. Keynotes discuss digital learning and artificial intelligence and Moodle product vision.

Presentations: Experts in education and technology will deliver great and inspiring presentations, sharing insights and ideas on the future of online learning.

Interactive workshops: participants of the MoodleMoot have the chance to participate in workshops on topics such as using generative AI in teaching and accessibility in Moodle.

Networking: MoodleMoot Finland offers an opportunity for like-minded individuals to meet and share their experiences and knowledge with participants from Finland and abroad. Whether you are a new or experienced user of Moodle, the MoodleMoot is an excellent opportunity for gaining new insights, connecting with others, and learning how to better use Moodle in education.

See you all in May!

The event is organised by the University of Helsinki together with our sponsors.