Call for papers

Info for presenters

In order to make everything run smoothly during the conference, please upload your presentation materials (PDF, PPTX or HTML) using this web form by 24th May 10:00 EEST. If you, for some reason, are unable to meet this deadline, please bring your presentation with your own laptop or an equivalent device with an HDMI adapter.

Please arrive at your session five minutes before the starting time. Every session will have a chairperson who will assist you with your presentation.

We kindly ask you to consider accessibility also when preparing and giving your presentations as well as participating in MoodleMoot. The Making Events Accessible Checklist provided by W3C is worth checking out whether you are a presenter, participant or organiser.

Call for papers

Call for Papers is closed! Thank you for your abstracts. The decisions have been announced. See programme for abstracts.

We welcome paper proposals from educators, researchers, trainers, administrators and developers. The call for papers was open until March 18th.

Specify your preferred format of presentation. The formats are:

  • Short presentation (15 minutes + 5 minutes of discussion)
  • Longer presentation (30 minutes + 10 minutes of discussion)
  • Workshop (one or two hours, specify your preference)

The theme of MoodleMoot Finland 2024 is “Open minds, open education: pathways to sustainable and inclusive learning environments”. We particularly welcome proposals that engage with the theme of the conference, such as

  • Best ways to utilize open learning materials in Moodle
  • Ensuring inclusivity, equity and sustainability when teaching in Moodle
  • The challenge of Generative AI to online assessment
  • Large language models and open education

Possible topics could also include, for example:

  • AR & VR in education
  • How to design courses for competency-based curriculum in Moodle
  • Presenting an exemplar Moodle course
  • Creative ways of assessing student performance in Moodle
  • Case studies from Moodle administration, training, leadership, or development

As this is an international conference, we highly encourage presentations to be delivered in English. However, participants are welcome to submit their abstracts in either English, Finnish, or Swedish, corresponding to the language in which they intend to present. We are exploring the possibility of simultaneous interpretation.

Registration for the conference is done separately, see Registration for more information.