Virtual University of Occupational Health (VUOH) at DigiCampus – Boundless learning in a nationwide curriculum

Antila A, Karjalainen P, Koivisto-Rautio H & Selänne L (University of Helsinki, University of Eastern Finland, Tampere University, University of Oulu)

27.5.2024, 14:10–14:30, F3017

Specialist physician training in Occupational Health is coordinated by five universities providing medical education in Finland. The universities are responsible for the national curriculum of almost 900 trainees. Essentials of six-year training are learned at work, supported with supervision, on-site training and theoretical studies. VUOH is a unique collaborative network for the universities. It has a shared learning environment at DigiCampus, a Moodle-based learning platform for Finnish higher education institutions. With 70 versatile annual courses, VUOH offers blended and distance learning, integrating theoretical studies and trainer training. It caters to local and nationwide needs, combining in-person and online elements, delivered through guided and self-paced courses. Collaboration follows a socio-constructivist approach emphasizing learners’ active roles in knowledge construction. Ensuring quality involves shared educational planning, standards and feedback. We present two exemplary courses: Orientation for a new trainer and Orientation for a new trainee and personal study plan. Within the latter, the connection between two different courses is established with Subcourse plugin. A trainee needs to complete another course before they can proceed within the main course. When all assignments are approved, trainees obtain a certificate for the course. Effective collaboration requires shared goals, planning and open mindset, added with psychologically safe environment.