Unite! European university network with Moodle and LTI

Martikainen J (Aalto University)

27.5.2024, 12:40–13:20, F3017

Unite! is the European university alliance of innovation, technology, and engineering, with nine universities connecting entrepreneurial, innovative European regions. Aalto University is the Finnish Unite! member. Eight of the nine member universities, including Aalto, use Moodle as their learning management system. The nineth uses Canvas. Unite! is committed to long-term collaboration and progressive integration, and in order to turn this vision into reality, the objectives for 2030 focus on building effective cooperation, a strong community, innovative educational offerings and a transnational campus. The Unite Community Requirement analysis concluded the need for aligning IT infrastructures for digital learning amongst the European university alliance, with the Unite! digital campus framework and requirements. A working group for integrating IT-Solutions has given suggestions about integrating services and platforms with each other and with the collaborative LMS, called Metacampus. The idea is to create an European Moodle ecosystem with the help of LTI connections in such a way that each member Moodle installations can act as LTI platform and tool, and the Canvas partner can provide their contents via acting as an LTI tool. All member universities’ students find all available shared courses via the Metacampus hub. The presentation shares information on the technical implementation with test experiences and takes a look forward to the alliance future plans and schedule.