Quiz with Safe Exam Browser (SEB) in on-site exams

Rajaniemi L & Lindqvist K (University of Helsinki)

28.5.2024, 10:30–11:10, Small Hall (F4050)

In the last four years, the University of Helsinki (UH) has moved towards digital exams. One of our approaches has been to implement digital exams as Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) on-site exams using the Moodle Quiz activity where access to other resources is fully or partially blocked by the Safe Exam Browser (SEB) software. Becoming more and more dependent on the Moodle + SEB -combination for the digital exams is not without potential pitfalls: supporting the exams is resource intensive and requires the co-operation of many parties for it to work smoothly. Students and teachers require assistance, Moodle and SEB may feature version changes that can affect exams, the Wi-Fi networks need to be well managed and so on. UH has strong expertise in the use of SEB for on-site exams and we want to share our experiences with you. We will tell you about our practical arrangements, the most common challenges and solutions we have faced. We would also like to hear about your experiences of the SEB quizzes and your perspectives for the future. Let’s share our SEB expertise together!

Recording coming in late July.



