Katsaus taaksepäin: 20 vuotta Moodlea Suomessa – Miten olemme onnistuneet? (Looking back at 20 years of Moodle in Finland – How have we succeeded?)

Rytkönen A (Aalto university)

28.5.2024, 12:30–13:30, F3005, Workshop, In Finnish

First Moodle installations in Finnish Higher Education were set up in about 2004. Until then, at least BSCW and WebCT/Blackboard were used, with some additional in-house tools. The variety of tools was wide and heterogeneous. At CS departments, in-house tools focused on a specific pedagogical process were developed for teaching-related research and after the research period, the tools were actively run down with short generations. Among the first Moodle installations were department pilots more than university-wide services. The use of Moodle increased actively, and already in 2007 the national IT peda network implemented a survey on universities’ long-term plans for learning platforms. It turned out that open-source solutions – specifically, Moodle – were preferred over commercial products, and instead of a nationwide service, universities wanted to host their own installations. Open-source was emphasized among other perspectives also for the opportunity to create own add-ins. Who remembers the steps along the way, and what have they been? Who were the first teachers using Moodle in Finland? What was it used for? This workshop given in Finnish invites Finnish Moodle teachers, maintainers, support and leadership to combine their memories to a national Moodle logbook with milestones, processes and collaboration which have made Moodle the innovation diffused and adopted in Finnish HE wider than in other countries.