Efficiency in Moodle quiz processes through Lean development

Tikkala A & Kivinen B (University of Helsinki)

28.5.2024, 11:10–11:30, Small Hall (F4050)

In recent years, the University of Helsinki has developed digital exams. The aim is to replace paper-based exams with digital exams if and when this supports student learning, but at the same time formative assessment through midterms and tests has also been developed. In particular, digital exams are implemented at UH using Moodle’s quiz activity. They are carried out in collaboration with teachers and campuses’ examination services. From Moodle, it is also possible to export grades directly to the UH’s study register. This involves administrative work and development needs. Over the last five years, the university has also developed Lean thinking in higher education, with the aim and principle of improving efficiency and effectiveness of operations and quality of work. The Lean aim is to organize and encourage employees’ activities in such a way that they produce more benefits for all while reducing wastage. How do digital exams and Lean development fit together? How have the processes included in digital exams benefited from Lean development? What still needs to be developed? We will share our experiences and tell you about our plans for the future.




