Development of Moodle course templates for the University of Oulu and Oamk – Quality for Moodle courses with course templates made with AI

Ylitalo A, Kononen J & Mattila A-L (University of Oulu)

28.5.2024, 14:40–15:00, F3017

In spring 2023, the steering group for the Moodle learning environment of the University of Oulu and Oamk decided that there is a need to create course templates which would guide teachers to build Moodle courses. By using course templates, the aim is to make the Moodle courses of these higher education institutions as uniform and pedagogical as possible. An aim also was that certain things would be located in the same places in the Moodle courses. Thus, the Moodle courses would have as little unnecessary cognitive load as possible for students to find the things they need for studying and make accessible Moodle courses. In other words, course templates would promote the work of teachers and students in Moodle.  The first course templates were introduced in November 2023, named after Moodle course formats. Course templates in English are: 1. Course template Topics format; 2. Course template Tabs format; 3. Course template – empty. After introducing these templates there soon became a need to develop a template for a completely online course that students could complete independently. This course template was created using artificial intelligence.  In the future, there will also be a need for course templates based on different pedagogical working methods. These course templates will be created using artificial intelligence.

Video coming in late July.