Case study: Conducting user testing provides insights into the design of online courses related to energy transition

Iskala E & Aejmelaeus M (Metropolia University of Applied Sciences)

27.5.2024, 15:00–15:20, F3010

Based on the feedback from user testing and results from prior research we developed the “Energy Transition Today” online course. In this presentation, we discuss the processes of course development and user testing. The aim of the course is not only to increase knowledge of energy transition but also to bring new expertise to the energy, real estate, and construction sectors. The course is aimed at those interested in the topics and does not require prior knowledge of the field. Learning materials were designed to be user-friendly, flexible, and lightweight, allowing learners to enhance their skills at their own pace, regardless of time or location. We took accessibility and different learning styles into account in the design of tasks and materials. Tasks were designed to be automatically assessed, so that the course doesn’t require a teacher. We recruited eight students from energy studies to test our “Energy Transition Today” course. The testing was conducted in three parts, with different feedback forms created for each part. Based on the feedback received, we further developed the course. As a result we achieved a well-tried course template that will continue to be utilized in course design. The template is easily customizable based on new user feedback. In the course template we created, learning materials are accessible and user-friendly. Alongside course development, a sufficient testing process was established, which can be easily replicated as needed.



