Harnessing GenAI for enhancing Moodle’s assessment capabilities: A collaborative workshop

Järvinen J-P & Wilenius H (University of Helsinki)

28.5.2024, 14:00–15:00, Studium 1 (F3020), Workshop

This workshop invites Moodle developers and educators to explore the potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in improving the LMS’s capabilities. Participants will engage in brainstorming sessions to discuss and propose enhancements to prompting strategies and to identify novel ways in which GenAI can augment Moodle’s Quiz and Question bank features. The session aims to foster a collaborative environment where ideas for future development are not only shared but also critically evaluated for practical implementation within Moodle’s plugin framework. Whether you are a seasoned Moodle developer or simply keen on shaping the future of educational tools, you are welcome to contribute to the workshop.



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