In the Mood(le) for visual learning: the art of engaging students

Kujala S (University of Helsinki)

27.5.2024, 13:20–13:40, Small Hall (F4050)

Visuals are not just embellishments; they can be bridges between ideas and student understanding. This presentation will cover simple, yet effective, ways to visualize content. With the help of Bootstrap’s components, you can create intuitive and engaging interfaces. The Bootstrap examples will include the use of cards, accordions, and buttons. You will gain insights into creating visually engaging learning materials, that not only captivate students, but also facilitate deeper understanding and retention of information. The aim is to equip educators with the knowledge and tools to harness the power of visual learning and Bootstrap within Moodle. Recognizing that time is a precious commodity in the educational sphere, the aim is to provide flexible solutions. From quick and straightforward methods, that can be implemented in a matter of minutes, to more intermediate visualizations requiring a few hours for a deeper level of customization, and finally, to advanced techniques for those who can dedicate a more substantial portion of their time to crafting highly sophisticated visual learning materials. By leveraging tools like Bootstrap within Moodle, you can create responsive, engaging, and visually rich learning environments with ease.


