Level up! – A useful tool for online courses?

Kärppä L (University of Helsinki)

27.5.2024, 15:00–15:20, F3017

Gamification of learning has increased its popularity as a teaching strategy, increasing student motivation, especially in self-directed online courses. There are different approaches to gamification of learning, for example gathering experience points and progressing from one level to another based on a learner’s activity on online course platforms. Early in 2024 the Level up! plugin for Moodle was introduced at the University of Helsinki, to enable the use of a motivational tool in online learning. Our team introduced the tool in an 8-week, 5 ECTS, Moodle-only, masters level course on self-management in order to test its effect on individual learning in a fully online course. The tool has also been introduced in a 2-year, 20 ECTS, self-paced postgraduate module on advanced medical leadership. Our team will present initial findings from using the Level up! Tool including student and teacher experiences and reflections.



