
You will find a small star * next to the presentations for which there are recordings and/or presentation slides. More recordings are coming in late July. The videos are subtitled in the language of the presentation. If you want to see the subtitles, please press the cc button on the video.

Monday 27 May

  F3005 F3010 F3017 Small Hall (F4050)
08:30 Registration and coffee
09:15 Welcome to MoodleMoot Finland 2024
Nordlund K (University of Helsinki)
Small Hall
09:30 *Moodle product vision: Empowering creativity, collaboration, and outcomes for life
Achour M (Moodle HQ)
Small Hall
10:20 Break
10:30 *Running Moodle on AWS: Architectures, scaling, and security
Asuja A (AWS)
Moodle as an instant accessibility improvement
Kivelä M (University of Helsinki)
*From repository to ILE: improving user experience in Moodle with H5P
Swanepoel C (Tampere University)
*Our Moodle Journey at TU Wien: 18 years of successes, lessons and the road ahead
Rakoczi G (TU Wien)
11:10 *Using a table as the course navigation and calendar
Niinisalo R (University of Jyväskylä)
H5P tools demonstration area to help and support teachers
Kuitunen S, Hörkkö P & Suokari E (University of Turku)
*Case study: Uniarts Helsinki’s Rosetta’s stone for Moodle service development
Malinen M (University of the Arts Helsinki)
11:30 Community photo
11:45 Lunch
12:40 Tearing down the accessibility barriers in online education
Henrick G & Holland K (Brickfield)
*Practical use of AI in Moodle
Korsgaard T (Moxis)
Unite! European university network with Moodle and LTI
Martikainen J (Aalto University)
*Easy livin’ in Moodle – Student and teacher perspectives on cognitive load
Lindholm S & Miettinen I (University of Helsinki)
13:10 Proctoring vs the AI revolution
Lundqvist J (Smowltech)
13:20 *Videotallenteiden luonti, säilytys ja jakelu helposti ja turvallisesti (Create, store and share video recordings easily and securely)
Kolmakow A (Ilona IT)
In the Mood(le) for visual learning: The art of engaging students
Kujala S (University of Helsinki)
13:40 Break
13:50 Digitaalisen koulutuksen käsikirjoittaminen (Scripting courses: crafting effective workshops and scripts)
Kurkipää T, Salovuori A, Kosola H & Kalinainen T (HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management)
*Maintaining Moodle systems at scale
Dethmers M (Catalyst IT Europe)
*DigiCampus – A collaborative endeavor of twelve Finnish universities
Lehto T (Tampere University of Applied Sciences)
Language models and assessment in Moodle
Wilenius H (University of Helsinki)
14:10 Virtual University of Occupational Health (VUOH) at DigiCampus – Boundless learning in a nationwide curriculum
Antila A, Karjalainen P, Koivisto-Rautio H & Selänne L (University of Helsinki, University of Eastern Finland, Tampere University, University of Oulu)
14:30 Coffee break
15:00 Digitaalisen koulutuksen käsikirjoittaminen (jatkuu) (Scripting courses, cont’d.) Case study: Conducting user testing provides insights into the design of online courses related to energy transition
Iskala E & Aejmelaeus M (Metropolia University of Applied Sciences)
Level up! – A useful tool for online courses?
Kärppä L (University of Helsinki)
How to develop Moodle in a user-centred way without losing focus
Laatikainen J (University of the Arts Helsinki)
15:20 Step inside the assessment: A student’s journey & building powerful exams
Neves S & Martin S (Inspera)
Using the Moodle Accessibility Toolkit to fix your content
Henrick G & Holland K (Brickfield)
*Involving everyone – Learning experience 360°
Dudoravičė A (Vextur)
15:50 Break
16:00 *Learning in humans and machines
Cowley B (University of Helsinki)
Small Hall
16:50 End of programme 
19:00 MoodleMoot party

Tuesday 28 May

  F3005 F3017 Small Hall (F4050) Studium 1 (F3020)
09:00 Registration and coffee
09:30 *How do computer-marked quizzes best help students learn? How does Moodle help you make the best quizzes?
Hunt T (The Open university)
Small Hall
10:20 Break
10:30 Embracing accessibility: Building awareness in your institution
Henrick G & Holland K (Brickfield)
*Case: Jamk student Moodle orientation
Minkkinen S & Kivioja T (Jamk University of Applied Sciences)
*Quiz with Safe Exam Browser (SEB) in on-site exams
Rajaniemi L & Lindqvist K (University of Helsinki)
*Curriculum knowledge and AI as a critical friend: Teachers’ challenges and opportunities using Moodle LMS
Sandström N, Nevgi A & Rekola M (University of Helsinki)
11:00 *Organisation training process digitalization – How to do it right?
Benaitytė F (Vextur)
11:10 *From learning to teaching: The continuum of using Moodle in teacher training and vocational education
Palkinen V & Saarinen R (Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Tampere Vocational College Tredu)
Efficiency in Moodle quiz processes through Lean development
Tikkala A & Kivinen B (University of Helsinki)
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Katsaus taaksepäin: 20 vuotta Moodlea Suomessa – miten olemme onnistuneet? (Looking back at 20 years of Moodle in Finland – How have we succeeded?)
Rytkönen A (Aalto university)
*eLearning in the Finnish Defence Forces
Kostian V & Rouvinen M (Finnish Defence Forces)
Simplifying assessment: streamlining grading schemes for clarity and technical ease
Hölttä M, Kamula A & Lindholm S (University of Helsinki)
*Revolutionize education with generative AI on AWS
Lavanko H (AWS)
13:10 *Ilona IT: Kolme vinkkiä softahankintojen helpottamiseksi! (Ilona IT: Three tips to make your software purchases easier!)
Korhonen R (Ilona IT)
*Database activity in the creation of collective course work: Mixed pedagogical experiences, promising prospects
Wahlström M (University of Helsinki)
13:30 Coffee break
14:00 Kuinka saada kaikki irti Tietokanta-aktiviteetista (Database activity: How to get the most out of it)
Matveinen K & Kivinen B (University of Helsinki)
eOppiva Moodle: Experiences and future directions
Kurkipää T (HAUS Finnish Institute of Public Management)
From delivery to results: Streamlining assessments with Inspera
Neves S & Martin S (Inspera)
Harnessing GenAI for enhancing Moodle’s assessment capabilities: A collaborative workshop
Järvinen J-P & Wilenius H (University of Helsinki)
14:30 Security and trust in the digital era: Proctoring and data protection with SMOWL
Lundqvist J (Smowltech)
14:40 *Development of Moodle course templates for the University of Oulu and Oamk – Quality for Moodle courses with course templates made with AI
Ylitalo A, Kononen J & Mattila A-L (University of Oulu)
15:00 Break

Panel discussion: Leveraging open education to maximize learner potential
Achour M, Hunt T, Juuti K & Rytkönen A (Moodle, The Open University, University of Helsinki, Aalto university)
Chair: Järvinen J-P (University of Helsinki)
Small Hall

16:00 Refreshments

The programme (PDF, updated 25.5.2025) and the list of all accepted abstracts (PDF, updated 23.5.2024) are now published .
Most of the presentations are in English. You can identify the presentations that are in Finnish by the Finnish title. There is no simultaneous interpretation available. Please note that workshops may be crowded, with first-come, first-served access. Some of the presentations will be recorded and shared later. If the speaker has given permission, the presentation slides will also be posted on these pages.

More information about the venue and rooms

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Accessibility AI Assessment Case study: course Case study: institution Cognitive load Course design Cross-institutional collaboration Curriculum development keynote Proctoring User experience