Simplifying assessment: Streamlining grading schemes for clarity and technical ease

Hölttä M, Kamula A & Lindholm S (University of Helsinki)

28.5.2024, 12:30–13:10, Small Hall (F4050)

Designing clear and concise assessment schemes guide students towards understanding what is expected from them. Furthermore, transparency increases the objectivity and fairness of assessment. Ensuring the assessment scheme can be technically executed with ease will also reduce teachers’ workload and stress. It is important to design the assessment scheme in a way that is not only pedagogically sound but also easily implemented using the various assessment tools in Moodle. In this presentation, we hope to give ideas for developing clear and transparent grading schemes that follow the principles of constructive alignment in pedagogical practices and are easily implemented in Moodle. In addition, we want to provide guidance on what teachers should consider in course assessment planning, specifically regarding assessment in Moodle. Using concrete examples, we will demonstrate how to avoid some common pitfalls in the technical implementation of various grading approaches, such as assessing individual assignments using numerical grading scales instead of points. When the assessment scheme and its technical implementation is planned ahead of time, the assessment process becomes more transparent. By planning ahead, you can make Moodle work for you instead of having to find a suitable workaround to cram your assessment scheme into Moodle.

Recording coming in late July.



