Instagram data

There are over 12 600 posts with the hashtag ‘elevatorlife’ on Instagram. Not only does the #elevatorlife reflect consumer’s interpretation of elevator experience better than #elevator, but also the number of posts published stays rather reasonable. To ensure the quality of the material the data acquisition was performed manually.

On the workshop held in April we presented some of the qualified Instagram posts and also a few of the ones that didn’t meet the requirements. The qualified posts were publicly available, had at least one hashtag on their description in addition to #elevatorlife and published by an adult individual. Therefore, all posts with marketing interest or by commercial Instagram accounts were excluded. Also posts by elevator mechanics and meme accounts were not approved. Some posts met all the other requirements but the pictures had nothing to do with an elevator. These were not included as well as posts by accounts that rate elevators or collect other account’s posts.

As we noticed, consumers are inventive with their hashtags and similar looking posts differ from each other by the hashtags attached.

Next we’ll continue pre-processing the data and move forward with the other social media platforms.

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