Uffe Østergård appointed as professor at the International Center for Business and Politics

Board of Copenhagen Business School (CBS) has decided to appoint Uffe Østergård as professor in European and Danish history at the International Center for Business and Politics (CBP). In consequence of his appointment the International Center for Business and Politics invites to inaugural lecture and reception.

Time: 21 May 2008
Place: Forstædernes Bank Auditoriet, S.12, Copenhagen Business School, Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg


14:30 – 14:40 Velkomst
v/ Rektor Finn Junge-Jensen

14:40 – 14:50 Tale
v/ Centerleder og professor, Lars Bo Kaspersen
International Center for Business and Politics

14:50 – 15:50 Tiltrædelsesforelæsning
“Hvorfor kulturstudier og nationalismeforskning på CBS?”
v/ Professor Uffe Østergård

15:50 – 17:00 Reception ved auditoriet

Tilmelding senest mandag 16. maj 2008 til Lonni Nielsen, ln.cbp@cbs.dk eller telefon 3815 3585