Inaugural lectures: Perspectives on the Nordic Model

Perspectives on the Nordic Model.
Two inaugural lectures by adjunct Professors Pauli Kettunen and Olli Kangas

Date: 29th of September 2009 from 14.30-16.30
Location: U91, University of Southern Denmark

Organizers: Centre for Welfare State Research, University of Southern Denmark

Internationally, the Nordic countries have become known for their welfare model. Historically, this Nordic model is based on a trust in positive virtuous circles between democracy, equality and efficiency. Today, globalization processes lead to new circles and the question arise whether we can maintain or modify the Nordic welfare model so to continue topping international league tables on welfare. This is the scene set by two distinguished Finnish Professors in their inaugural lectures at the University of Southern Denmark. Everybody interested is welcome and there will be an opportunity to ask questions at the event. Following the lectures the Centre will host a light reception.

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