PhD course: Theories and Realities of Care. Policies and Organizations of Care.

Time and venue: 8.-10 of February 2010, Roskilde University

Aim of the course: This PhD course aims to bridge contemporary theorizing on care with more empirically grounded research in relation to some of the current changes and ambiguities in the development of care,  the work-family-care relations, new forms of governance (marketization, personalization, de-professionalization), as well as struggles about recognition of care. The impact of globalisation in a European context on care, its provision and the various state strategies towards migration of carers will also be discussed. Core themes will be the importance of different policy regimes, new forms of governance and the migration of carers. Often research on care is split functionally into different fields which hinders an understanding of the similarities and differences in different policy fields. Here the complexity of care will be illustrated by the various keynotes in an interdisciplinary field with a focus on different kinds of care.

Prof. Dr. Thomas P. Boje (Roskilde University)
Associate Prof. Dr. Hanne Marlene Dahl (Roskilde University)

Barbara Haas (Vienna University on Business and Economics)
Helma Lutz (University of Frankfurt)
Marta Szebehely (Stockholm University)
Thomas P. Boje (Roskilde University)
Hanne Marlene Dahl (Roskilde University)

Organization: The course combines lectures by keynotes and paper sessions where the phd students present their work and receive comments on papers by the phd students and two of the keynotes. Only 15 phd students can attend this course.

Fee: DKK 600,- (€ 80,-). The fee covers coffee/tea, lunches and a conference dinner. Participants must themselves pay for travel costs and accommodation.

ECTS: Participants in the course receive 3 ECTS and 2 ECTS additionally when their paper has been accepted.

Deadlines: Registration and abstract not later than January 4th 2010. Paper must be send by 27th of January 2010 to secretary Kirsten Buhl Mathiasen at


Participants with paper must send abstract while registration to

Further information: associate prof. Hanne Marlene Dahl, or (+45) 4674 2922