The Nordic Welfare State goes to China!

New publication offers the first comprehensive presentation of the Nordic welfare state model in Chinese:

The Nordic Welfare State

Editors:  Professor Stein Kuhnle (University of Bergen & Hertie School of Governance, Berlin), Professor Chen Yinzhang (Director Nordic Center, Fudan University), Professor Klaus Petersen (University of Southern Denmark) Professor Pauli Kettunen (University of Helsinki)

Publisher: Fudan University Press 2010

”This book provides a comprehensive and insightful portrait of the ’Nordic model of welfare’ – its history, characteristics and challenges in a globalized world. It illustrates the successful interplay of political, social and economic forces in the development of political and welfare institutions in the small and advanced open economies and egalitarian societies of Northern Europe”.

Gro Harlem Brundtland
Special Envoy on Climate Change for the United Nations and Former Prime Minister of Norway and former Director General of the World Health Organization

Book launch 25 May 2010, Shanghai, Fudan University

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Over the last years there has been a growing international interest in the Nordic model of welfare, not the least in China. This volume is the first comprehensive book on the Nordic model of society to be published in Chinese. At the same time, within the Nordic countries, there has been a rapidly growing interest in China and in establishing scientific cooperation with Chinese partners. This volume is in itself a practical example of the desired cooperation – and it is the editors’ hope that the book will support such efforts more generally.

The book presents the historical development of the Nordic welfare states, analyze basic characteristics such as equality, universalism and labor market organization, and discuss present and future challenges. Authors include a number of distinguished Nordic scholars, all of them leading experts within their fields. A full list of contributions can be found below. We expect the book to be used for university students and by researchers within welfare research, economics, political science, sociology, media studies, and contemporary history. Furthermore, it will be of interest for civil servants and experts as well as politicians and other decision-makers, and for journalists and generally interested observers of comparative social policy development.

The book is based on cooperation between the Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel ( financed by NordForsk ( and the Nordic Centre at Fudan University in Shanghai (

The foundation A.P. Møller og Hustru Chastines Mc-Kinney Møllers Fond til Almene Formaal has financially supported the translation and publication. Yvonne, Xu Yefang and Jin Ying have translated the text into Chinese.

Book launch:

25 MAY, 9.00-12.00

VENUE: Shanghai, Fudan University, Yi Fu Technology Building, 2nd floor, H

The book launch is organized in Shanghai on the occasion of the 15 years’ anniversary of the Nordic Centre, Fudan University, and on the occasion of the inauguration of its new building on campus. The editors shall present the book, and the distinguished Professor Zhou Dunren, Fudan University, will comment, and there will be possibility to ask questions.

For further information:

Stein Kuhnle:, +47 92492279

Klaus Petersen:, +45 40227629

Pauli Kettunen:, +358 504155403

List of Content:

Preface: Dai Bingran

Editors‘ Introduction: Stein Kuhnle, Chen Yinzhang, Klaus Petersen and Pauli Kettunen

Section 1: History

1: Klas Åmark & Urban Lundberg: Social Rights and Social Security: The Swedish Welfare State, 1900-2000

2: Niels Finn Christiansen & Klaus Petersen: The History of the Danish Welfare State

3: Øyvind Bjørnson: The Social Democrats and the Norwegian Welfare State: Some Perspectives

4: Pauli Kettunen: The Nordic Model and the Tension between the Social and the Economic – Finland as a Case

5: Gudmundur Jonsson: Iceland in the Mirror of the Nordic Welfare State

6: Klaus Petersen: Constructing Nordic Welfare? Nordic Social Political Cooperation 1919-1955

Section 2: Characteristics

7: Nanna Kildal & Stein Kuhnle: The Nordic Welfare Model and the Idea of Universalism

8: Joakim Palme & Olli Kangas: Poverty and Income Distribution in the Nordic Countries

9: Anette Borchorst: Nordic Gender Equality: Policies, Discourses and Paradoxes

10: Anne Skevik Grödem and Aksel Hatland: Family and Working Life in the Nordic Countries

11: Siv Sandberg: Decentralized, Unitary Welfare States. The Role of Local Government in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden

12: Karl H. Sivesind and Per Selle: Voluntary Organizations in the Nordic Countries

13: Christer Törnqvist: The Nordic Labour Market Model

Section 3: Challenges

14: Grethe Brochmann: Immigration and the Nordic welfare state – A Tense Companionship

15: Jon Kvist: Is the Nordic Welfare Model Viable? 21st Century Challenges to the Nordic Welfare Model in a                         European Context

16: Matti Alestalo, Sven E.O. Hort and Stein Kuhnle: The Nordic Model – Conditions, Origins, Outcomes, Lessons

Section 4: Appendix

Tina Dreier: Basic social information on the Nordic countries and online resources