Annual ESPAnet Conference in Helsinki, September 18-2O, 2008.

Annual ESPAnet Conference in Helsinki, September 18-2O, 2008.


The Annual Espanet Conference this year deals with cross-border influences. In the two plenary sessions, the theme is approached from a historical and socio-political research perspective. The programme contains around 100 paper presentations in 18 streams. All those playing an active role in the Conference are advised to register before 30 June.

A number of vacant places will be allocated on a “first come, first served” -basis for those interested in the Conference themes but not presenting a paper. Such attendance will be confirmed personally after registration.

Programme: An updated programme with plenary speakers and timetables for stream sessions will shortly be available at

Registration: Registration for the Conference continues. The Conference has an online registration system operated by TAVI Congress Bureau. The online registration form is available at

Early-bird fee 150 euros is valid until June 30. If you want to benefit from this reduced rate, please register soon. From 1 July the registration will be 200 euros.