CfP: RECWOWE doctoral workshop

RECWOWE Doctoral workshop:

Adapting European welfare states to the emergence of new social risks

Swiss graduate school of public administration (IDHEAP), Lausanne, Switzerland

Thursday and Friday 12-13 May 2011

Topic of the workshop:

The socio-economic context in which welfare states operate has undergone substantial changes over the last few decades. These include, most significantly, the decline of industrial employment and the expansion of the service sector; the massive entry of women into labour markets, and migrations. These developments have resulted in a major shift in social risk in comparison to the postwar years. While traditional welfare states provided a replacement income to those who were temporarily or permanently unable to work, today new social risks have emerged. These include the fact of being a working poor, being long term unemployed, possessing insufficient human capital, reconciling work and family life.

The objective of this workshop is to discuss these new social risks and the policy responses that are being developed to deal with them. We invite contributions by PhD students working on any aspect of the process of welfare state adaptation to the emergence of new social risks. The workshop is interdisciplinary, and we are particularly interested in studies of how social risks are evolving and what their impact on people’s welfare is (from sociology, economics, and social policy) and studies of how countries are responding to emerging new social risks (from political science, social policy).

The main aim of the workshop is to allow extensive discussions of on-going PhD projects. Doctoral candidates are invited to present their project or a related paper which will be discussed by the senior scholars. The workshop will include both presentation by senior scholar and discussions of PhD projects.

Senior scholars:

The following experts will make comments on papers and give lectures:

  • Giuliano Bonoli, Professor of Social Policy, IDHEAP
  • Patrick Emmeneger, Associate Professor, Centre for Welfare State Research, University of Southern Denmark
  • Yuri Kazepov, Professor of Comparative Social Policy and Urban Sociology, University of Urbino
  • Birgit Pfau-Effinger, Professor of Sociology, University of Hamburg
  • Daniel Oesch, Assistant Professor, University of Lausanne
  • John Stephens, Professor of Political Science and Sociology, Centre for European Studies, University of North Carolina (USA)


Interested students are requested to send in an abstract (max. 750 words) of the project or the paper they plan to present. The abstract should give information on research question, theory, methodology, and (expected) findings. The number of participants will be limited to 20.

Application deadline is 15th March 2011. Please send your application to Applicants will be notified about acceptance by 31st March 2011.

Costs: accommodation (two nights), lunches and one workshop dinner are provided free of charge. Participants must pay for their own travel additional meals. There is no registration fee.


Aurélien Abrassart, Giuliano Bonoli, Cyrielle Champion
If you have further questions, please contact

A pdf version of this call can be downloaded at