PhD seminar: Theoretical Foundation of Welfare State Research

Leader: Einar Overbye, NOVA, Norge
Venue: Aalborg University, Fibigerstræde 1, room 37
Time: 14 October
Organiser: Christian Albrekt Larsen, AAU,

In this Ph.D. seminar, the theoretical foundation of welfare state research will be presented and discussed. The idea is take a “step back” and look at some of the main theoretical questions that are at the core of welfare state research. Why do we care for each other? Why do we create a state-solutions instead of market-solutions to cover risks? How do sociologists, economists, political scientists, social administrators etc. study the welfare state?

The aim of the seminar is to help Ph.D. students within welfare state research to understand the background and context for their specific projects. Establishing a link to “the big questions” often increases the quality of the project, research motivation and outsiders interest in the project.

Registration and abstract (for participating with paper): Not later than 28 September

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