Seminar: Migration, Institutions and Welfare States – Negotiating Practices of Inclusion and Exclusion, University of Southern Denmark, 27 October 2011,

Afternoon seminar:

Migration, Institutions and Welfare States – Negotiating Practices of Inclusion and Exclusion

University of Southern Denmark, 27 October 2011, Room U141

14.45 Coffee
15.00 Opening of the seminar
15.05 Magnus Dahlsted (REMESO, Linköping University): “Governing Citizenship, Governing Multi-Ethnic Sweden”
16.00 Regine Paul (University of Bath): “Linchpin or Poor Cousin? On the Variable Role of the Bismarckian Welfare State in German and French Labour Migration Governance”
16.55 Closing of the seminar
17.00 Seminar ends

All are welcome. No registration needed.
For further information please contact Jakob Sinding Skött:

Programme (Pdf)