Seminar on Key Concepts in the Nordic Welfare: Rights and duties

Both research and public discussion on the Nordic model is characterized by a series of ‘key concepts’, which are seen as typical for the Nordic model or at least are taken as a self-evident point of departure for the discussion on it. These are concepts such as ‘rights’, ‘universalism’, ‘equality’, ‘welfare state’ etc. NordWel’s seminars on Key Concpets in the Nordic Welfare aim to problematize and discuss these fundamental concepts in order to create knowledge on the different understandings of them and to reach a more qualified starting point for research.

The first Key Concept seminar was arranged in the Finnish Institute in Rome, Villa Lante, in 10-12 January 2008. Theme of the seminar was “Rights and duties/Rettigheder og plikter”. Some of the papers are already under publication, others will be published in a joint report during 2008.

Participants and paper titles:

Henrik Stenius (Univ. of Helsinki): Key Concepts and other Concepts

Nanna Kildal (Rokkan Centre): Prinsipper om rett og plikt

Stein Kuhnle (Hertie School of Governance in Berlin): Is there a need for a Human Duties Watch or rather a Collective Duties Watch organization?

Nild Edlin (Stockholm University): Funderingar kring välfärdsstatliga rättigheter och skyldigheter

Klaus Petersen (University of Southern Denmark): Sociale rettigheder i den danske model Urban Lundberg (Institute for Future Studies) with Mattias Tydén : Staten kontra individen: Individuella rättigheter i Sverige 1809-2000

Helena Blomberg (University of Helsinki) with Christian Kroll: Different rights and duties regarding welfare services: a docus on the municipal level

Pirjo Markkola (Åbo Akademi University): Lutheranism, women and the history of the welfare states in the Nordic countries

Heidi Haggrén (University of Helsinki): Economic rationality and social fairness

Karin Carlsson (University of Stockholm): Välfärdsstatliga rättigheter och skyldigheter – en husmor, en hemvårdarinna och en osynlig man

Johan Strang (University of Helsinki/Rokkan Centre): Det finns inga rättigheter. Några tankar kring rättigheter och plikter i den nordiska välfärdsmodellens historia

Kevät Nousiainen (University of Helsinki): Rights and duties – Finland as a Nordic Welfare State

Pauli Kettunen (University of Helsinki): The Nordic Model: Interests instead of Rights