CFP: At the Margins of the Welfare State. Changing Patterns of including and excluding the »deviant« poor in Europe 1870-1933 – London 02/10

An den Rändern des Sozialstaats. Der Wandel von Inklusions- und Exklusionsformen gegenüber ‘devianten’ Armen in Europa 1870-1933 – At the Margins of the Welfare State. Changing Patterns of including and excluding the »deviant« poor in Europe 1870-1933 – London 02/10

Deutsches Historisches Institut London
Sonderforschungsbereich 600 Fremdheit und Armut – Wandel von Inklusions- und Exklusionsformen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart,
Universität Trier, London
25.02.2010-27.02.2010, DHI London
Deadline: 30.09.2009

For CFP go to:


Fjärde nordiska utbildningshistoriska konferensen kommer att äga rum 1-2 oktober 2009 i Universitetshuset, Uppsala.

Arrangör är Nationella forskarskolan i utbildningshistoria, i samverkan med Forskningsgruppen för utbildnings- och kultursociologi (SEC) vid Institutionen för utbildning, kultur och medier, Historiska institutionen och Research Unit for Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy (STEP) vid Pedagogiska institutionen, samtliga vid Uppsala universitet. I arrangemangskommittén ingår professor Donald Broady (SEC), professor Jan Lindegren (Historiska institutionen) och professor Ulf P Lundgren (STEP).

De tre tidigare konferenserna ordnades i Stockholm 1998, 2003 och 2006 under rubriken “pedagogikhistoria”. Namnbytet till “utbildningshistoria” markerar dels den mångvetenskapliga karaktären, dels att tonvikten läggs vid institutionaliserad utbildning till skillnad från påverkan eller socialisation i största allmänhet. Konferensens överordnade tema är “Utbildningens sociala och kulturella historia”, vilket inte utesluter att även andra utbildningshistoriska områden ges utrymme. Förslag till sessioner emottages senast den 1 november 2008. Utöver en rubrik behövs en kort beskrivning av sessionens innehåll och arbetsformer (presentation av pågående forskning, rundabordssamtal, etc.), information om det ungefärliga antalet aktiva deltagare, samt påtänkt sessionsledare. Varje session omfattar 90 minuter.

Deltagaranmälningar kommer att tas emot från och med 15 november 2008.

Sessionsförlag lämnas in via konferensens sajt eller direkt till
som även svarar på frågor om konferensen

PhD and/or post.doc. scholarships in welfare studies at the University of Southern Denmark

University of Southern Denmark announces PhD (3 years) and or post.doc. (2 years) scholarships as part of the interdisciplininary research platform “Welfare – Institutions, Ideas and values”. The program involves the disciplins history, political science, litteratur and culture studies (including media studies). The aims of the program are to investigate the relationship between institutional development of the welfare state and ideas/values as well as the normative foundations and narratives of the welfare state.

For additional information (in Danish) see or contact professor Klaus Petersen:

New title: THE NORDIC MODEL by Mary Hilson

Mary Hilson: The Nordic Model. Scandinavia since 1945
Reaktion Books Ltd, London 2008

Covering all five Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, THE NORDIC MODEL includes chapters on economic development, politics and government, foreign policy and the welfare state, as well as a more general account of the cultural meanings that have accrued to Scandinavia in the twentieth century. The implications of recent developments for the continued coherence of the region are assessed, in particular the European dimension, and the re-emergence of the Baltic Sea as a potential regional

For more information visit publisher’s website

National and Transnational Notions of “The Social”, 21 August 2008 Helsinki

Concepta, International Research School in Conceptual History and Political Thought and NordWel, The Nordic Centre of Excellence: The Nordic Welfare State – Historical Foundations and Future Challenges organise jointly a seminar focusing on the methodological issues concerning the logics of conceptualisation.

National and Transnational Notions of “The Social”

Date: Thursday 21 August, 2008
Place: Arppeanum, Auditorium, Snellmaninkatu 3, Helsinki


14.00 Opening of the seminar
Henrik Stenius, Research Director, Centre for Nordic Studies, University of Helsinki

14.15 Keynote lecture
Bo Stråth, Professor in Nordic, European and Global History, Centre for Nordic Studies, University of Helsinki

15.00 Coffee and Tea

15.20 Panel Discussion with

Christoph Conrad, Professor of Contemporary History, University of Geneva, on the Cross-National Movement of the Social

Hanne Marlene Dahl, Associate Professor, The Department of Society and Globalisation, Roskilde University, on the ‘Social’ of the Social Care

Janet Newman, Professor of Social Policy, The Open University, UK, on the Governing of the Social

Hagen Schulz-Forberg, Assistant Professor in International History, Aarhus University, on the New Beginnings in the Case of the Social

16.40 Discussion

17.30 Closing of the seminar

18.00 Reception

For more information and registration by 15 August please contact either Heidi Haggrén at or Sanna Joutsijoki at

New publication: Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia

Gender equality and welfare politics in Scandinavia
The limits of political ambition?

Edited by Kari Melby, Christina Carlsson Wetterberg and Anna-Birte Ravn

Policy Press 2008

Gender equality is often seen as a hallmark of the Nordic countries. This book explores this notion by examining the meanings of gender that underpin policies in the Scandinavian welfare states, historically and today.

The book focuses on three Scandinavian countries – Denmark, Norway and Sweden – and explores the policy reforms that have occurred relating to family and care. Beginning with the radical marriage reform carried through in all the three countries in the early decades of the 20th century, the book progresses to explore contemporary challenges to the traditional model of equality, including equal rights for fathers, multiculturalism and a critical young generation. The book focuses on differences as well as similarities between the countries and discusses the relevance of talking about a Nordic model.

Stressing the importance of viewing the concept of equality in its historical context, the book critically investigates and discusses the Scandinavian ‘success story’ portrayed in normative political theory and presents an historical analysis of the development of gendered citizenship rights.

For more information visit: Policy Press

Claus Offe to give a lecture on Economic Citizenship Rights, Helsinki 26 August 2008

Claus Offe is one of the world’s leading political sociologists. A prominent representative of the tradition of critical theory, Professor Offe is the author of numerous ground-breaking essays and books in social theory, political sociology and public policy. In addition he has made substantive contributions to understanding the relationship between democracy and capitalism. His recent works have focused on economies and states in transition to democracy.


Claus Offe:

Economic Citizenship Rights. The Unconditional Basic Income and Related Schemes of Distributional Justice

NEW! listen to Claus Offe’s lecture

Time: Tuesday 26 August 2008, 2-4pm

Place: Metsätalo, Unioninkatu 40, Lecture room 1, Helsinki
Language: English

Professor Offe received his doctorate from the University of Frankfurt (1968) and Habilitation from the University of Konstanz (1973). He taught at the Universities of Bielefeld (1975-1989) and Bremen (1989-1995) and served as visiting professor at academic institutions in the US, Canada, the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, Italy and Australia. From 1995 until 2005 he served as professor of political science at the Humboldt University of Berlin and teaches currently at The Hertie School of Governance, Berlin.

Important publications include, among others, Contradictions of the Welfare State (MIT Press 1984), Disorganised Capitalism (Polity Press 1985), Varieties of Transition: The East European and East German Experience (The MIT Press 1996), Modernity and the State (Polity Press 1996) and Reflections on America: Tocqueville, Weber and Adorno in the United States (Cambridge University Press 2005).


The Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel: The Nordic Welfare State – Historical Foundations and Future Challenges
For more information please contact either Heidi Haggrén at or Olivia Packalén at, Department of Social Science History, University of Helsinki