Articles and Chapters in Books


Airio, Ilpo, Blomberg, Helena, Kangas, Olli, Kroll, Christian, and Niemelä, Mikko (2013) Täyden kansaneläkkeen saajien tulot ja kokemukset toimeentulosta. In Airio, Ilpo (ed.) Toimeentuloturvan verkkoa kokemassa. Kansalaisten käsitykset ja odotukset. Helsinki: Kelan tutkimusosasto, 142–167.

Alanko, Anna, and Marklund, Carl (2013) Who needs mental health services? Mental health care planning and the image of the service user in Finland. In Marklund, Carl (ed.) All Well in the Welfare State? Welfare, Well-being and the Politics of Happiness. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 5. Helsinki: Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel, 82–102.

Bergholm, Tapio (2013) Decline of civil servant privilege. A new look at the historical development of Finnish social policy. In Haggrén, Heidi, Rainio-Niemi, Johanna, and Vauhkonen, Jussi (eds) Multi-layered Historicity of the Present. Approaches to Social Science History. Publications of the Department of Political and Economic Studies 8. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 313–326.

Blomberg-Kroll, Helena (2013) Finnish central government administration views on welfare service reform. Advancing the social investment paradigm? In Haggrén, Heidi, Rainio-Niemi, Johanna, and Vauhkonen, Jussi (eds) Multi-layered Historicity of the Present. Approaches to Social Science History. Publications of the Department of Political and Economic Studies 8. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 345–360.

Byström, Mikael (2013) The last bastion of Swedish refugee policy. The National Refugee Board 1941–1950. In Byström, Mikael, and Frohnert, Pär (eds) Reaching a State of Hope. Refugees, Immigrants and the Swedish Welfare State, 1930–2000. LundNordic Academic Press, 116–130.

Careja, Romana, and Emmenegger, Patrick (2013) Keeping them out! Migration and social policies in the reluctant countries of immigration. In Suszycki, Andrzej Marcin, and Karolewskii, Ireneus Pawel (eds) Citizenship and Identity in the Welfare State. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 139–164.

Careja, Romana, and Emmenegger, Patrick (2013) The ‘other’ dualism. Welfare state nationalism and migration policies in Western Europe. In Suszycki, Andrzej Marcin, and Karolewskii, Ireneus Pawel (eds) European Welfare States: Citizenship, Nationalism and Conflict. Osnabrück: Fibre Verlag, 75–106.

Carlsson Wetterberg, Christina (2013) Gender equality and the welfare state. Debates on marriage law reform in Sweden at the beginning of the 20th century. In Meder, Stephan, and Mecke, Christoph-Eric (eds) Family Law in Early Women’s Rights Debates. Köln/Weimar/Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 255–280.

Edling, Nils (2013) The primacy of welfare politics. Notes on the language of the Swedish Social Democrats and their adversaries in the 1930s. In Haggrén, Heidi, Rainio-Niemi, Johanna, and Vauhkonen, Jussi (eds) Multi-layered Historicity of the Present. Approaches to Social Science History. Publications of the Department of Political and Economic Studies 8. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 125–151.

Ellingsæter, Anne Lise, Jensen, An-Magritt, and Lie, Merete (2013) The social meaning of children and fertility change. In Ellingsæter, Anne Lise, Jensen, An-Magritt, and Lie, Merete (eds) The Social Meaning of Children and Fertility Change in Europe. London/New York: Routledge, 1–11.

Ellingsæter, Anne Lise, Jensen, An-Magritt, and Lie, Merete (2013) The social meaning of children embedded in institutions and personal relations. In Ellingsæter, Anne Lise, Jensen, An-Magritt, and Lie, Merete (eds) The Social Meaning of Children and Fertility Change in Europe. London/New York: Routledge, 170–179.

Emmenegger, Patrick, and Careja, Romana (2013) The ‘other’ dualism: Welfare state nationalism and migration policies in Western Europe. In Suszycki, Andrzej Marcin, and Karolewski, Ireneusz Pawel (eds) European Welfare States – Citizenship, Nationalism and Conflict. Osnabrück: Fibre Verlag, 75–108.

Frohnert, Pär (2013) Social democratic solidarity. In Byström, Mikael, and Frohnert, Pär (eds) Reaching a State of Hope. Refugees, Immigrants and the Swedish Welfare State, 1930–2000. LundNordic Academic Press, 102–115.

Hannikainen, Matti (2013) Comparison, measurement, and economization. The origin of the retirement age of 65 in Finland. In Haggrén, Heidi, Rainio-Niemi, Johanna, and Vauhkonen, Jussi (eds) Multi-layered Historicity of the Present. Approaches to Social Science History. Publications of the Department of Political and Economic Studies 8. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 297–312.

Jønsson, Heidi Vad, and Petersen, Klaus (2013) From a ‘social problem’ to a ‘cultural challenge’ to the national welfare state: Immigration and integration debates in Denmark 1970–2011. In Suszycki, Andrzej Marcin, and Karolewskii, Ireneus Pawel (eds) Citizenship and Identity in the Welfare State. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 165–188.

Jønsson, Heidi Vad, and Petersen, Klaus (2013) Immigrations- og integrationspolitik. In Petersen, Jørn Henrik, Petersen, Klaus, and Christiansen, Niels Finn (eds) Dansk Velfærdshistorie. Velfærdsstat i tidehverv. Bind V. Perioden 1973–1993. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 763–830.

Jønsson, Heidi Vad, Onasch, Elizabeth, Pellander, Saara, and Wickström, Mats (2013) Introduction. In Jønsson, Heidi Vad, Onasch, Elizabeth, Pellander, Saara, and Wickström, Mats (eds) Migrations and Welfare states: Policies, Discourses and Institutions. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 3. Helsinki: Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel, 11–23.

Kangas, Olli (2013) Somewhere over the high seas there is a land of my dreams – Happiness and life satisfaction among immigrants in Europe. In Marklund, Carl (ed.) All Well in the Welfare State? Welfare, Well-being and the Politics of Happiness. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 5. Helsinki: Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel, 135–167.

Kangas, Olli, and Kvist, Jon (2013) Nordic welfare states. In Greve, Bent (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of the Welfare State. London: Routledge, 148–160.

Kangas, Olli, Niemelä, Mikko, and Varjonen, Sampo (2013) Narratives and numbers. Politics in the making of sickness insurance in Finland. In Haggrén, Heidi, Rainio-Niemi, Johanna, and Vauhkonen, Jussi (eds) Multi-layered Historicity of the Present. Approaches to Social Science History. Publications of the Department of Political and Economic Studies 8. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 271–296.

Kettunen, Pauli (2013) The ILO as a forum for developing and demonstrating a Nordic model. In Kott, Sandrine, and Droux, Joëlle (eds) Globalizing Social Rights: The International Labour Organization and Beyond. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 210–230.

Kettunen, Pauli (2013) Vocational education and the tensions of modernity in a Nordic periphery. In Buchardt, Mette, Markkola, Pirjo, and Valtonen, Heli (eds) (2013) Education, State and Citizenship. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 4. Helsinki: Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel, 31–55.

Kettunen, Pauli (2013) Luokkasopuilua ja pohjoismaisuutta – Suomalaiset Kansainvälisessä työjärjestössä ensimmäisen maailmansodan jälkivaiheesta kylmän sodan alkuvuosiin. In Clerc, Louis, and Lintunen, Tiina (eds) Suomen asialla? Yksityiset ja julkiset toimijat kansainvälisessä yhteistyössä. Ajankohta 16. Poliittisen historian vuosikirja 2013. Turku: University of Turku & University of Helsinki, 46–78.

Kotilainen, Sofia (2013) From religious instruction to school education: Elementary education and the significance of ambulatory schools in rural Finland at the end of the 19th century. In Buchardt, Mette, Markkola, Pirjo, and Valtonen, Heli (eds) Education, State and Citizenship. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 4. Helsinki: Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel, 114–137.

Kroll, Christian, and Blomberg-Kroll, Helena (2013) Svensk välfärd i ett nordiskt perspektiv. In Edebalk, Per-Gunnar, Swärd, Hans, and Wadensjö, Eskil (eds) Vägar till välfärd: idéer, inspiratörer, kontroverser, perspektiv. Stockholm: Liber, 309–322.

Lloyd, Christopher (2013) Evolution theory and economic history: A partnership of mutual necessity. In Granda, Jeanette, and Schreiber, Jürgen (eds) Retrospectiven: Wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Beiträge Festschrift für Rolf Walter zum 60. Weimar: Böhlau Verlag, 193–210.

Lloyd, Christopher (2013) Institutional patterns of the settler societies: Hybrid, parallel and convergent. In Lloyd, Christopher, Metzer, Jacob, and Sutch, Richard (eds) Settler Economies in World History. Leiden: Brill, 545–578.

Lloyd, Christopher (2013) The 1890–1910 crisis of Australian capitalism and the Social Democratic response. Was the Australian model a pioneering regime of Social Democratic welfare capitalist regulation? In Haggrén, Heidi, Rainio-Niemi, Johanna, and Vauhkonen, Jussi (eds) Multi-layered Historicity of the Present. Approaches to Social Science History. Publications of the Department of Political and Economic Studies 8. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 247–270.

Lloyd, Christopher (2013) Welfare state and capitalist crisis. In Jónsson, Gudmundur, and Stefánsson, Kolbeinn (eds) Retrenchment and Renewal? Welfare States in Time of Crisis. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 6. Helsinki: Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel, 48–66.

Lloyd, Christopher, and Metzer, Jacob (2013) Settler colonization and societies in world history: Patterns and concepts. In Lloyd, Christopher, Metzer, Jacob, and Sutch, Richard (eds) Settler Economies in World History. Leiden: Brill, 1–34.

Lundberg, Urban, and Åmark, Klas (2013) So many roads and nowhere to go. How the Swedish Social Democrats are losing the battle about the Nordic model. In Haggrén, Heidi, Rainio-Niemi, Johanna, and Vauhkonen, Jussi (eds) Multi-layered Historicity of the Present. Approaches to Social Science History. Publications of the Department of Political and Economic Studies 8. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 151–170.

Lundqvist, Åsa (2013) Att reformera välfärdsstaten – ett historiskt perspektiv på den aktiva arbetsmarknadspolitiken och kvinnors förvärvsarbete. In De första 100 åren – svensk välfärdspolitik mellan historia och framtid. Rapport från forskarseminariet i Umeå 16–17 januari 2013. Socialförsäkringsrapport (Social Insurance Report) 2013:4. Stockholm: Försäkringskassan, 21–36.

Lundqvist, Åsa (2013) Framväxten av den svenska familjepolitiken. In Edebalk, Per-Gunnar, Swärd, Hans, and Wadensjö, Eskil (eds) Vägar till välfärd: idéer, inspiratörer, kontroverser, perspektiv. Stockholm: Liber, 101–116.

Lundqvist, Åsa (2013) Regulating the family in times of economic crisis. Sweden in the 1930s and the 1990s. In Benner, Mats (ed.) Before and Beyond the Global Economic Crisis: Economics, Politics and Settlement. Cheltenham: Edvard Elgar, 112–131.

Markkola, Pirjo (2013) Deaconesses go transnational. Knowledge transfer and deaconess education in nineteenth-century Finland and Sweden. In Fleischmann, Ellen, Okkenhaug, Inger Marie, Marten, Michael, and Grypma, Sonya (eds) Transnational and Historical Perspectives on Global Health, Welfare and Humanitarianism. Kristiansand: Portal Forlag, 72–90.

Markkola, Pirjo (2013) The Nordic and gendering dimensions of labour history in Finland.  In Haggrén, Heidi, Rainio-Niemi, Johanna, and Vauhkonen, Jussi (eds) Multi-layered Historicity of the Present. Approaches to Social Science History. Publications of the Department of Political and Economic Studies 8. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 33–46.

Markkola, Pirjo, Buchardt, Mette, and Valtonen, Heli (2013) Introduction: Education and the making of the Nordic welfare states. In Buchardt, Mette, Markkola, Pirjo, and Valtonen, Heli (eds) Education, State and Citizenship. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 4. Helsinki: Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel, 7–30.

Marklund, Carl (2013) Introduction. In Marklund, Carl (ed.) All Well in the Welfare State? Welfare, Well-being and the Politics of Happiness. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 5. Helsinki: Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel, 12–25.

Marklund, Carl (2013) The return of happiness – the end of utopia? Rankings of subjective well-being and the politics of happiness. In Marklund, Carl (ed.) All Well in the Welfare State? Welfare, Well-being and the Politics of Happiness. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 5. Helsinki: Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel, 206–231.

Marklund, Carl (2013) A Swedish Norden or a Nordic Sweden? Image politics during the Cold War. In Harvard, Jonas, and Stadius, Peter (eds) Communicating the North: Media Structures and Images in the Making of the Nordic Region. Farnham: Ashgate, 263–287.

Onasch, Elizabeth, and Weide, Marjukka (2013) Teaching integration in France and Finland: A comparison of national discourses within civic integration programmes. In Jønsson, Heidi Vad, Onasch, Elizabeth, Pellander, Saara, and Wickström, Mats (eds) Migrations and Welfare States: Policies, Discourses and Institutions. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 3. Helsinki: Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel, 174–215.

Pellander, Saara (2013) Between difference and assimilation: Young women with South and Southeast Asian family background living in Finland. In Spickard, Paul (ed.) Multiple Identities: Migrants, Ethnicity, and Membership. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 63–87.

Petersen, Jørn Henrik (2013) Den offentlige sygesikring, sygehusene og dagpengesystemet. In Petersen, Jørn Henrik, Petersen, Klaus, and Christiansen, Niels Finn (eds) Dansk Velfærdshistorie. Velfærdsstat i tidehverv. Bind V. Perioden 1973–1993. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 361–466.

Petersen, Jørn Henrik (2013) Førtidspensionering. In Petersen, Jørn Henrik, Petersen, Klaus, and Christiansen, Niels Finn (eds) Dansk Velfærdshistorie. Velfærdsstat i tidehverv. Bind V. Perioden 1973–1993. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 611–635.

Petersen, Jørn Henrik, and Mai, Anne-Marie (2013) A word or two about Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig. In Irons, John (ed.) Anthology of songs and hymns by N.F.S. Grundtvig. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 5–18.

Petersen, Jørn Henrik, and Petersen, Klaus (2013) Alderdomsforsørgelse og ældrepolitik. In Petersen, Jørn Henrik, Petersen, Klaus, and Christiansen, Niels Finn (eds) Dansk Velfærdshistorie. Velfærdsstat i tidehverv. Bind V. Perioden 1973–1993. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 243–359.

Petersen, Jørn Henrik and Petersen, Klaus (2013) Sammenfatning og perspektivering. In Petersen, Jørn Henrik, Petersen, Klaus, and Christiansen, Niels Finn (eds) Dansk Velfærdshistorie. Velfærdsstat i tidehverv. Bind V. Perioden 1973–1993. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 915–932.

Petersen, Jørn Henrik, Petersen, Klaus, and Christiansen, Niels Finn (2013) Det socialpolitiske idelandskab. In Petersen, Jørn Henrik, Petersen, Klaus, and Christiansen, Niels Finn (eds) Dansk Velfærdshistorie. Velfærdsstat i tidehverv. Bind V. Perioden 1973–1993. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 73–136.

Petersen, Jørn Henrik, Petersen, Klaus and Christiansen, Niels Finn (2013) Samfundsforhold. In Petersen, Jørn Henrik, Petersen, Klaus, and Christiansen, Niels Finn (eds) Dansk Velfærdshistorie. Velfærdsstat i tidehverv. Bind V. Perioden 1973–1993. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 9–72.

Petersen, Jørn Henrik, Petersen, Klaus, and Christiansen, Niels Finn (2013) The Danish social reform of 1933. Social rights as a new paradigm by an accidental reform. In Haggrén, Heidi, Rainio-Niemi, Johanna, and Vauhkonen, Jussi (eds) Multi-layered Historicity of the Present. Approaches to Social Science History. Publications of the Department of Political and Economic Studies 8. Helsinki: University of Helsinki, 105–124.

de la Porte, Caroline (2013) Social OMCs: Ideas, policies and effects. In Greve, Bent (ed.) The Routledge Handbook on the Welfare State. London: Routledge, 410–418.

Rainio-Niemi, Johanna (2013) Nordic openness and national consensus in Finland: Traditions of state-centeredness and all-inclusiveness revisited. In Götz, Norbert, and Marklund, Carl (eds) The Promise of Openness. Brill.

Ravn, Malin Noem, and Lie, Merete (2013) The cultural ideal of the joint decision: Illuminating values of individuality and relationality of the child choice. In Ellingsæter, Anne Lise, Jensen, An-Magritt, and Lie, Merete (eds) The Social Meaning of Children and Fertility Change in Europe. London/New York: Routledge, 86–101.

Saksela-Bergholm, Sanna (2013) Ulkomaalaisten tilapäistyöntekijöiden kokemuksia toimeentuloturvasta. In Airio, Ilpo (ed.) Toimeentuloturvan verkkoa kokemassa. Kansalaisten käsitykset ja odotukset. Helsinki: Kelan tutkimusosasto, 94–111.

Schmitt, Carina, and Starke, Peter (2013) Explaining Convergence of OECD welfare states: a conditional approach. In: Pierson, Christopher, Castles, Francis G. and Naumann, Ingela K. (eds) The Welfare State Reader. Third edition. Oxford: Polity Press.

Simonsen, Peter (2013), Forfatteren som gammel: Anders Bodelsen og det aldrende velfærdssamfund. In Mai, Anne-Marie (ed.) Kættere, kællinger, kontormænd og andre kunstnere: Forfatterroller i den danske velfærdsstat. University of Southern Denmark: Studies in Scandinavian Languages and Literature, Vol. 111. Odense: Syddansk Universitetsforlag, 223–245.

Strang, Johan (2013) Hägerström and analytic philosophy. In Eliaeson, Sven, Mindus, Patricia, and Turner, Stephen P. (eds) Axel Hägerström and modern social thought. Oxford: The Bardwell Press.

Svanberg, Johan (2013) Ethnic encounters, narratives, and counter-narratives. Estonian refugees in the Swedish engineering industry after 1945. In Byström, Mikael, and Frohnert, Pär (eds) Reaching a State of Hope. Refugees, Immigrants and the Swedish Welfare State, 1930–2000. LundNordic Academic Press, 109–208.

Sverdljuk, Jana (2013) Traditional foreign femininities? Experts’ stories about helping Russian migrant women who are victims of domestic violence. In Saarinen, Aino, and Calloni, Marina (eds) Builders of a New Europe. Women Immigrants from the Eastern Trans-regions. Helsinki: Kikimora Publications, 80–95.

Sørensen, Michael Kuur (2013) A Comparison of welfare state criticism in Denmark in the 1970s and post-2008. In Jónsson, Gudmundur, and Stefánsson, Kolbeinn (eds) Retrenchment and Renewal? Welfare States in Time of Crisis. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 6. Helsinki: Nordic Centre of Excellence NordWel, 312–328.

Weide, Marjukka (2013) Citizen-making at the language centres: Civic education for immigrants through the official Danish language instruction. In Van Aerschot, Paul, and Daenzer, Patricia (eds) Integration and the Protection of Immigrants from a Nordic Perspective: Socio-Legal Views of Canadian and Scandinavian Arrangements. Ashgate. (Forthcoming.)

Weide, Marjukka, and Saukkonen, Pasi (2013) Maahanmuuttajien poliittinen osallistuminen. In Martikainen, Tuomas, Saukkonen, Pasi, and Säävälä, Minna (eds) Muuttajat. Kansainvälinen muuttoliike ja suomalainen yhteiskunta. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 268–280.

Wickström, Mats (2013) Conceptual change in postwar Sweden: The marginalization of assimilation and the introduction of integration? In Kivistö, Peter, and Wahlbeck, Östen (eds) Debating Multiculturalism in the Nordic Welfare States. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 110–139.

Åmark, Klas (2013) Sweden and the refugees, 1933–45. In Byström, Mikael, and Frohnert, Pär (eds) Reaching a State of Hope. Refugees, Immigrants and the Swedish Welfare State, 1930–2000. LundNordic Academic Press, 39–53.

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