The Creation of Wittgenstein: Next Steps

Time: 9.30 am – 4 pm, 19th June 2024

Venue: Seminar room 8, Metsätalo, Unioninkatu 24, University of Helsinki (TBC)

The workshop is hosted by The von Wright and Wittgenstein Archives (WWA) in cooperation with The Nordic Wittgenstein Society. The workshop is open to all interested.


Programme (changes possible)

09:30–10:00 Coffees / getting together.

10:00–10:30 Docent Bernt Österman (curator of WWA) presents The von Wright and Wittgenstein Archives: Resources. history, current development plans.

10:30–10:45 Professor Thomas Wallgren (director of WWA) presents the research projects “Den okände von Wright” (Svenska Litteratursällskapet 2017-2022) and The Creation of Wittgenstein (Academy of Finland 2016-2021). Work process and main results.

10:45–11:00 PhD Lassi Jakola (Finnish Athens Institute) presents the book Om Wittgenstein: Skrifter 1936 – 2001. (Eds L Jakola and T. Wallgren, Svenska Litteratursällskapet 2023.)The book collects most of what von Wright wrote about Wittgenstein in Swedish.)

11:00–11:15 Questions and Answers. (Discussion to be continued, see below.)

Short break

11:30–12:30 Professor Alois Pichler (director of the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen), Professor David Stern (Iowa), docent Hanne Appelqvist (director of the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies) and Senior lecturer Anat Matar (Tel Aviv) initiate discussion on “The Creation of Wittgenstein: Next Steps.”

– Framework: state of Wittgenstein scholarship. Development needs and hopes

– Special interest: the role and significance of the resources of WWA

12:30–14:00 Lunch

14:00–16:00 DISCUSSION


For more information, please contact:
Thomas Wallgren
Professor of philosophy
Director of The von Wright and Wittgenstein Archives
University of Helsinki