Study credits

The course DMAST-100 is optional and exclusive to Domast students. The study credits are part of the DONAS-997 General Competence Studies study module. The seminar is open for everyone to attend. The course is graded with a pass-fail scale after completion, no course registration needed.

The course is 1-3 credits. The credits can be obtained in two ways, by presenting and attending, or by organising the seminar. Each completion method grants one credit and can be done a maximum of two times each. The course grants a maximum of three credits, i.e. two presentations and one round of organising or one presentation and two rounds of organising.

Presenting and attending (1 cr)
One seminar presentation and in addition attending the seminar five times. Please note that you don’t have to accumulate all the attendances during a single seminar semester.

Organising (1 cr)
Organising the seminar with another student for one semester. Both organisers get one credit.

Registering the credits

When you want your credits registered, contact the seminar organisers. The organisers will keep a record of your presentations and attendance. If you want more than one credit, please wait until you have the requirements fulfilled for the desired amount of credits, as the course can only be completed once.

For Master’s Programme students

Attendances can be accumulated even before starting in the DOMAST programme.