Podcasting 4: Keep it simple

(For this assignment, you can either listen to episode #4 – in Finnish, or episode #5 – in English)

Episode 4

#4 Neljännessä jaksossa syvennymme tiedeviestintään sekä akateemisen tiedon popularisointiin. Millaista on hyvä tiedeviestintä ja miksi on tärkeää popularisoida omia tutkimustuloksia laajemmalle yleisölle? Lisäksi jaksossa pohditaan, miten podcast soveltuu tiedon popularisoinnin kanavaksi.

Jaksossa vierailee tiede- ja asiantuntijaviestintään keskittyneen viestintätoimiston Kaskas Median perustaja ja viestintäasiantuntija Maria Ruuska.

In Finnish

LÖYDÄT JAKSON TÄÄLTÄ:https://soundcloud.com/podcast-in-podcast/4-podcast-in-podcast-tieteen-popularisointi-maria-ruuska

KESTO: 24:32

00:20 Johdanto ja esittely

02:30 Mitä tiedeviestintä ja tieteen popularisointi tarkoittavat?

04:25 Miksi tieteen popularisointi on tärkeää? Mitkä ovat sen tavoite ja kohderyhmä?

09:50 Mikä haaste tieteen popularisoinnissa on sen kannalta, missä muodossa viestitään?

14:20 Miten hyvää tiedeviestintää harjoitellaan?

17:00 Kuinka hyvä kanava podcast on tiedeviestintään?

18:45 Miten podcastia voi lähteä markkinoimaan?

20:40 Millainen on mielenkiintoinen tieteellinen podcast? Esimerkkejä?

Episode 5

#5 In the fifth episode we dive into the challenging but highly important area of popularizing research. Why it is important and how can we communicate it clearly? How can you formulate your academic knowledge into an understandable form in order to reach a broader audience? In addition, the episode will have a look on how to apply podcasting for the purpose of popularizing research.

The guest of the episode is Dr. Julie Van Bogaert from Department of History, Ghent University, Belgium. She hosts a popular history podcast Geheugenissen (in Dutch).

FIND THE EPISODE HERE:https://soundcloud.com/podcast-in-podcast/5-podcast-in-podcast-popularising-research-with-julie-van-bogaert


00:20 Introduction and reasons why Julie started podcasting

07:00 What kind of medium is a podcast and how does Julie use it?

8:45 What does popularizing research mean to Julie?

12:15 Who are you popularizing for and why?

21:00 Examples on Julie’s podcast quests and themes they have talked about

24:40 How to translate written texts into vocal form?

29:30 How to create the interview comfortable as a live situation?

31:50 What would an interesting academic podcast sound like?

Discussion assignment


  • a 3-minute segment for your episode ‘as a story’

Discuss with a partner or in a small group

  • read your story to a willing listener
  • rewrite your story, taking stock of what they thought, what was difficult to understand, what they did or did not remember
  • tell your story (without reading) to your discussion partner, and discuss the difficulties you’ve had ‘translating’ the subject into an understandable story

Instruction video for discussion assignment