Welcome on Monday

The annual conference will begin soon. Welcome to join interesting presentations and discussions on how to use methodologies and methods in social science!

For example, if you are interested in researching conflicts, we invite you to take part in workshop 5 Methodologies in the investigation of conflict” on Tuesday (October 23) at 12:00-14:30 in room 7. There it will be discussed how to study and what methods and methodologies should be used when researching conflicts, be it political, social, ethnic or economical, and what is the researcher’s positioning in this. What are the consequences of these choices?

Anna Heikkinen will discuss how to use mixed-methods in studying a complex resource conflict, such as in her case the socio-economic conflict on water in Peru via interviews, content and regression analysis. She argues that mixed-methods are especially suitable for analysing power relations and dimensions of social vulnerability.

Anna Salmivaara will present hear research that is using history and ehnography when studying Cambodian garment workers’ struggles. It is as well a question about methodologies studying political and economic conflict. And especially about the intersubjective power of the researcher and the participants and it’s implications. She will discuss the researcher’s choices and positioning when researching inequality.

Ahmed Kazimuddin will deliberate on how participatory video functions as a research method. His case is about helping to solve a ethnic-political conflict in Assam by addressing ethnicity and conflict. He presents the challenges he faced in his study and how the context guided his research in observing more the processes than the outcome.

Finally the presentations will be commented by Markus Kröger, an associate professor in Development Studies, followed by vivid discussions.

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