Conference papers

Conflict and consensus in Finnish democracy. Nordic workshop on democracy. University of Iceland, 30-31 January 2014.

Comparative Imagination and the Tensions of Modernity in a Peripheral Nordic Country. Modernities Scrutinized: Finland, Japan and Russia in comparison. Aleksanteri Institute, Helsinki, 12-13 September 2013.

War, Social Policy and the Nation as a Historical Agent – Finland as a Nordic exception. Crisis & Contingency: States of (In)stability. 20th International Conference of Europeanists. Amsterdam, June 25-27, 2013.

The long making of Nordic welfare states and their slow dismantlement. The European Welfare State in a Global Context. German Historical Institute, London, 11-13 April 2013.

The Contested Representation of Industrial Society. The Cold War and the Welfare State.  Nobel Institute, Oslo, 11-13 November 2012.

The conceptualization of the social in the making of a welfare state – Finland as a Nordic case. The 37th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association (SSHA). Vancouver, 1-4 November 2012.

The Welfare State in the Multi-level Cold-War confrontation. II Biannual Conference of the Finnish Historical Society. Helsinki 25-27 October 2012.

Confusing the state and society – a sign of a weakness of liberalism in Norden?. Liberals and Liberalisms: Southern-Northern, Western-Eastern Perspectives and Experiences. University of Malaga, 11-12 June 2012.

Conflicts and compromises in the Nordic pattern of social regulation. Sino-Nordic Welfare Seminar (SNoW II). University of Helsinki, House of Science and Letters, 4-5 June 2012.

The Concept of Society in the Making of the Nordic Welfare State. European Social Science History Conference. University of Glasgow, 11-14 April 2012.

Limits and divides of the competitive national us. Cleavages 2.1 – Revolutions and conflicts in the 21st century, Sciences Po, Paris, 8-9 March 2012.

The State and Society in the Nordic Model. Nordic and Chinese Experiences of Rule of Law, Welfare Society and Social Governance, University of Helsinki, 9–10 February 2012.

The Nordic Model and the European Social Model. 36th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Boston, 17-20 November, 2011

Lasting ideas, changing rhetorics, or changing ideas and lasting rhetorics?. Inequality and the Nordic welfare model. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL, Helsinki, 7 November 2011.

The role of history in welfare state research: fostering or questioning the methodological nationalism of comparisons? Council for European Studies. Eighteenth International Conference of Europeanists. Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Barcelona, 20-22 June 2011.

Corporate Citizens and Social Partners – Reflections on Neo-voluntarism and Soft Governance in the Making of Competitive Communities. Third European Congress on World and Global History. London School of Economics and Political Science, 14-17 April 2011.

National Traumas and Historians´ Strategies. History, Memory, Politics. Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, 7 April 2011.

Language and Concepts in Political History’. Key note -esitelmä seminaarissa Towards a New Political History. University of Southern Denmark, Odense, 23-24 September 2010.

The Nationalism of Welfare and Competitiveness – The Nordic Model Reconsidered. Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, Washington D.C., 16 November 2009.

The Agent Called Society in the Making and Challenging of the Nordic Welfare State. Agency and Action. 34th Annual Social Science History Association (SSHA) Meeting, Long Beach, California, 12-15 November 2009.

The Confidence in Virtuous Circles in the Nordic Model. Inaugural Lecture of Honorary Professor in Welfare State Research. University of Southern Denmark, Odense, 29 September 2009.

The Nordic Model – Alternative Perspectives. Key note -esitelmä, The Mid-term Conference of the Nordic Centre of Excellence REASSESS. Oslo, 18-20 May 2009.

The Conceptualisation of the Social in Europe’s Northern Periphery – Society in Nordic Political Discourses. Comparative Conceptual History and Global Translations. The Conceptualization of the Social in Eurasian Comparison. Bangkok, 2-5 March 2009.

Consensualism and the Legitimacy of Power – the Case of Finland. Key note -esitelmä konferenssissa Power and Legitimacy – Annual Seminar of the Power in Finland Research Programme, Academy of Finland. Tampere 27 May 2008.

The National Welfare State as a Cross-National Historical Construction. Key note -esitelmä konferenssissa Reform der Sozialpolitik. Zwischen Pfadabhängigkeit und transnationaler Konvergenz. Jahrestagung 2007 der Sektion Sozialpolitik in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 6-7.7.2007.

Social Citizenship and the Normalcy of Wage Work in the Nordic Notion of Society. CINEFOGO WP15 seminar Between States and Citizen – The Role of Civic Elements in the Governance and Production of Social Services, Berlin, 30-31 March 2007.

Corporate Citizenship and Social Partnership. The Future of Social Models. Industrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC). University of Ljubljana, 31 August-2 September 2006.


Esitelmiä tieteellisissä konferensseissa

Onko kansallinen yhteiskunta käynyt liian pieneksi ja liian suureksi sopimiselle?Työelämän tutkimuspäivät, Tampereen yliopisto 2.-3.11.2017.

Kontinuitet och brott i “den nordiska modellen”. Svenska historikermötet, Stockholm universitet 9.5.2014.

Conflict and consensus in Finnish democracy. Nordic workshop on democracy. University of Iceland, 30-31 January 2014.

Comparative Imagination and the Tensions of Modernity in a Peripheral Nordic Country. Modernities Scrutinized: Finland, Japan and Russia in comparison. Aleksanteri Institute, Helsinki, 12-13 September 2013.

War, Social Policy and the Nation as a Historical Agent – Finland as a Nordic exception. Crisis & Contingency: States of (In)stability. 20th International Conference of Europeanists. Amsterdam, June 25-27, 2013.

The long making of Nordic welfare states and their slow dismantlement. The European Welfare State in a Global Context. German Historical Institute, London, 11-13 April 2013.

The Contested Representation of Industrial Society. The Cold War and the Welfare State. Nobel Institute, Oslo, 11-13 November 2012.

The conceptualization of the social in the making of a welfare state – Finland as a Nordic case. The 37th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association (SSHA). Vancouver, 1-4 November 2012.

The Welfare State in the Multi-level Cold-War confrontation. Historiantutkimuksen päivät. Helsinki 25-27.10.2012.

Confusing the state and society – a sign of a weakness of liberalism in Norden?. Liberals and Liberalisms: Southern-Northern, Western-Eastern Perspectives and Experiences. UNiversity of Malaga, 11-12 June 2012.

Conflicts and compromises in the Nordic pattern of social regulation. Sino-Nordic Welfare Seminar (SNoW II). University of Helsinki, House of Science and Letters, 4-5 June 2012.

The Concept of Society in the Making of the Nordic Welfare State. European Social Science History Conference. Glasgow University, 11-14 April 2012.

Limits and divides of the competitive national us. Cleavages 2.1 – Revolutions and conflicts in the 21st century, Sciences Po, Paris, 8-9 March 2012.

The Nordic Model and the European Social Model. 36th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, Boston, 17-20 November, 2011.

The role of history in welfare state research: fostering or questioning the methodological nationalism of comparisons? Council for European Studies. Eighteenth International Conference of Europeanists. Institut Barcelona d’Estudis Internacionals (IBEI), Barcelona, 20-22 June 2011.

Corporate Citizens and Social Partners – Reflections on Neo-voluntarism and Soft Governance in the Making of Competitive Communities. Third European Congress on World and Global History. London School of Economics and Political Science, 14-17 April 2011.

National Traumas and Historians´ Strategies. History, Memory, Politics. Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, 7 April 2011.

Language and Concepts in Political History’. Key note -esitelmä seminaarissa Towards a New Political History. University of Southern Denmark, Odense, 23-24 September 2010.

The Nationalism of Welfare and Competitiveness – The Nordic Model Reconsidered. Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, Washington D.C., 16 November 2009.

The Agent Called Society in the Making and Challenging of the Nordic Welfare State. Agency and Action. 34th Annual Social Science History Association (SSHA) Meeting, Long Beach, California, 12-15 November 2009.

The Confidence in Virtuous Circles in the Nordic Model. Inaugural Lecture of Honorary Professor in Welfare State Research. University of Southern Denmark, Odense, 29 September 2009.

The Nordic Model – Alternative Perspectives. Key note -esitelmä, The Mid-term Conference of the Nordic Centre of Excellence REASSESS. Oslo, 18-20 May 2009.

The Conceptualisation of the Social in Europe’s Northern Periphery – Society in Nordic Political Discourses. Comparative Conceptual History and Global Translations. The Conceptualization of the Social in Eurasian Comparison. Bangkok, 2-5 March 2009.

Consensualism and the Legitimacy of Power – the Case of Finland. Key note -esitelmä konferenssissa Power and Legitimacy – Annual Seminar of the Power in Finland Research Programme, Academy of Finland. Tampere 27 May 2008.

The National Welfare State as a Cross-National Historical Construction. Key note -esitelmä konferenssissa Reform der Sozialpolitik. Zwischen Pfadabhängigkeit und transnationaler Konvergenz. Jahrestagung 2007 der Sektion Sozialpolitik in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 6-7.7.2007.

Social Citizenship and the Normalcy of Wage Work in the Nordic Notion of Society. CINEFOGO WP15 seminar Between States and Citizen – The Role of Civic Elements in the Governance and Production of Social Services, Berlin, 30-31 March 2007.

Corporate Citizenship and Social Partnership. The Future of Social Models. Industrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC). University of Ljubljana, 31 August-2 September 2006.

Muita esitelmiä

Pohjoismainen hyvinvointivaltio Suomessa. Mauno Koiviston perintö kantaa -juhlaseminaari, Helsinki 25.11.2023.

Miten käy hyvinvointivaltion demokraattiselle nationalismille. Emeritusluento 25.11.2022, Helsingin yliopisto.

Ohkola sytykkeenä Mäntsälän kapinaan. Mäntsälän kapinasta vihapuheeseen. Mäntsälä 15.5.2022.

Perinteen pohjalta uudelle tielle: SDP:n joulukuun 1918 puoluekokous ja sen merkitys parlamentaarisen demokratian kehittymiselle. Riidoista rakentamiseen – vuosisata kansanvallan puolesta. SDP:n 1918-seminaari. Helsingin työväentalo 8.12.2018.

Eturistiriidat ja suunnittelu yhteiskuntapolitiikassa. Mauno Koiviston perintö kantaa -juhlaseminaari. Helsingin työväentalo 25.11.2017.

Globalisaatio ja kansallinen me – suomalaisten suhde Euroopan integraatioon. Lahden kansanopiston ja Historian Ystäväin Liiton XXX kesäseminaari, Lahti 12.6.2014.

Ay-liike ja työväenliike tukemassa sotaponnistuksia ja oppositiossa. Studia Historica Turtolaensia. Kymenlaakson kesäyliopisto, Kotka 17.3.2014.

Hyvinvointivaltio ja markkinat. Moraali, politiikka ja talous – Historiallisia ja ajankohtaisia näkökulmia. Helsingin yliopiston tutkijakollegium 23.1.2014.

Hyvinvointiyhteiskunnan tulevaisuus historian valossa. Rakenna kestävä hyvinvointi – MasterClass. Helsingin yliopisto 10.4.2013.

Menestystarinan taakse – historiallinen näkökulma suomalaiseen oppimiseen. Ihminen oppii. Studia Generalia, Helsingin yliopisto 14.3.2013.

Hyvinvointipolitiikan tavoitteet ja edellytykset muuttuvat – tulevaisuus historian valossa. Pohjola ja Saksa. Hanasaari 15-16.11.2012.

Gunnar Myrdal ja hyvinvoinnin talouspolitiikka kansallisvaltiossa ja maailmalla. Talouspolitiikan modernit klassikot. Avoin yliopisto, Helsinki 30.8.2012.

Toimihenkilöliikkeen historia – tutkijan vastuu. Henkisestä työstä tietoyhteiskuntaan – Toimihenkilöliikkeen historiahankkeen käynnistysseminaari. Helsinki 6.6.2012.

The State and Society in the Nordic Model. Nordic and Chinese Experiences of Rule of Law, Welfare Society and Social Governance, University of Helsinki, 9–10 February 2012.

Lasting ideas, changing rhetorics, or changing ideas and lasting rhetorics?. Inequality and the Nordic welfare model. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL, Helsinki 7.11.2011.

Historiallinen metodi?. Metodifestivaali, Tampereen yliopisto 30.8.2011.

Globalisaatio ja kansallinen me. YTI-vierailuluento. Tampereen yliopisto, Yhteiskuntatutkimuksen instituutti, 19.4.2011.

Pohjoismainen hyvinvointimalli. XII Suomalaiset historiapäivät, Lahti 11.2.2011.

Miten unohtamisesta tuli epäsuosittua? Historian tila ja tulevaisuus -seminaari. Turun yliopisto, Poliittinen historia, 26.11.2010.

Kun työnantajaosapuoli hajauttaa itsensä. SOVITAAN(KO) – Onnistuuko työmarkkinoiden ja sosiaalisen turvan järjestäminen ilman osapuolia? NordWel-seminaari, Helsingin yliopisto 26.2.2010.

Välfärdsstat och konkurrensstat. Nordens välfärdscenter, Tukholma 3.2.2010.

Työsuojelun pitkä linja: luottamus tietoon ja kasvatukseen. Juhlaesitelmä Työsuojelunäyttelyn 100-vuotisjuhlassa Tampereella 24.11.2009.

Rautatieläisten ammattiyhdistystoiminnan historiaa. Rautatiekulttuurikeskus REILIA, Kouvola 19.9.2009.

Sisäinen tahto ja ulkoiset välttämättömyydet suomalaisessa kriisipolitiikassa. Nousu ja lasku mediassa. Tampereen yliopisto 8.9.2009.

Sosiaalidemokratia suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa. SDP 110 vuotta -juhlaseminaari, Turku 8.8.2009.

Pohjoismainen hyvinvointivaltio’./ Den nordiska välfärdstaten. Eduskunnan juhlaseminaari Leijona ja kolme kruunua – 200 vuotta Suomen sodasta ja rauhasta / Riksdagens jubileumsseminar Lejonet och tre kronor – 200 år från Finska kriget och freden, 13.5.2009.

Kestokriisin kansallinen työjärjestys. Työn ilot ja kirot. Kriittisessä tilassa -tapahtuma. Tampere 4.4.2009.

Nationalismi ja internationalismi. Suomalaiset historiapäivät. Lahti 7.2.2009.