Selection of articles and book chapters

Democratic welfare nationalism and competitive community: changing ideals of social harmony in the regulation of capitalism. In Pauli Kettunen, Saara Pellander & Miika Tervonen (eds.): Nationalism and Democracy in the Welfare State. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2022, 78-102.

Introduction: rethinking nationalism and democracy in the welfare state. In Pauli Kettunen, Saara Pellander & Miika Tervonen (eds.): Nationalism and Democracy in the Welfare State. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2022, 1-17.

Pauli Kettunen & Klaus Petersen: Images of the Nordic welfare model: Historical layers and ambiguities. In Haldor Byrkjeflot, Lars Mjøset, Mads Mordhorst & Klaus Petersen (eds.): The Making and Circulation of Nordic Models, Ideas and Images. Routledge, Abingdon 2021, 13-33.

Welfare state, competition state, security state. Nationalism in nation-state responses to cross-border mobilities. In Jussi P. Laine, Ilkka Liikanen, James W. Scott (eds.): Remapping Security on Europe’s Northern Borders. Routledge, Abingdon 2021, 201-220.

The rise and fall of the Nordic utopia of an egalitarian wage work society. In Sakari Hänninen, Kirsi-Marja Lehtelä & Paula Saikkonen (eds.): The Relational Nordic Welfare State. Between Utopia and Ideology. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham 2019, 95-118.

Conflicting interests and science-based planning in the making of the welfare state. Sartoniana, Vol 32, 2019, 171-189.

The Concept of Society in the Making of the Nordic Welfare State. In Stein Kuhnle, Per Selle & Sve, E. O. Hort (eds.): Globalizing Welfare. An Evolving Asian-European Dialogue. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham 2019, 143-161.

The Conceptual History of the Welfare State in Finland. In Nils Edling (ed.): The Changing Meanings of the Welfare State. Histories of a Key Concept in the Nordic Countries. Berghahn, New York & Oxford 2019, 225-275.

The concept of nationalism in discussions on a European society. Journal of Political Ideologies, Vol 23, Issue 3 (2018), 342-369.

Wars, nation and the welfare state in Finland. In Herbert Obinger, Klaus Petersen & Peter Starke (eds.): Warfare and Welfare. Military Conflict and Welfare State Development in Western Countries. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 260-289.

The Nordic model and the rise and fall of Nordic cooperation. In Johan Strang (ed.): Nordic Cooperation. A European region in transition. Routledge, London and New York 2015, 69-91 (co-authored with Urban Lundberg, Mirja Österberg and Klaus Petersen).

Introduction: An American Dilemma? In Pauli Kettunen, Sonya Michel & Klaus Petersen (eds.): Race, Ethnicity and Welfare States – An American Dilemma? Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA, 2015, xi-xxv (co-authored with Sonya Michel and Klaus Petersen).

Conflicts and compromises in the Nordic pattern of social regulation. In Pauli Kettunen, Stein Kuhnle & Yuan Ren (eds.): Reshaping welfare institutions in China and the Nordic countries. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 7. NordWel, Helsinki 2014, 96-121.

The Language of Social Politics in Finland. In Daniel Béland & Klaus Petersen (eds.): Analysing Social Policy Concepts and Language: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives. Policy Press, Bristol 2014, 157-176.

Unsere Wettbewerbsfähigkeit – Nationalismus und globaler Wirtschaftswettbewerb in Finnland. In Deutsch-Finnische Gesellschaft (Hrsg.): Finnland im Blick. Historische und zeitgeschichtliche Studien. Festschrift für Dörte Putensen. Redaktion: Manfred Menger und Burkhart E. Poser. SAXA Verlag, Berlin 2014, 315-330.

The ILO as a Forum for Developing and Demonstrating a Nordic Model. In Sandrine Kott & Joelle Droux (eds.): Globalizing social rights. The International Labour Organization and Beyond. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke and New York 2013, 210-230.

Vocational education and the tensions of modernity in a Nordic periphery. In Mette Buchardt, Pirjo Markkola & Heli Valtonen (toim.): Education, State and Citizenship. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 4. NordWel, Helsinki 2013, 31-55.

Reinterpreting the Historicity of the Nordic Model. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, Vol 2, No 4 (2012), 21-43.

Welfare Nationalism and Competitive Community. In Andrzej Marcin Suszycki (ed.): Welfare citizenship and welfare nationalism. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 2. NordWel, Helsinki 2011, 79-117.

The transnational construction of national challenges: the ambiguous Nordic model of welfare and competitiveness. In Pauli Kettunen & Klaus Petersen (eds.): Beyond Welfare State Models – Transnational Historical perspectives on Social Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA, 2011, 16-40.

Introduction: rethinking welfare state models. In Pauli Kettunen & Klaus Petersen (eds.): Beyond Welfare State Models – Transnational Historical perspectives on Social Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA, 2011, 1-15 (co-authored with Klaus Petersen).

The sellers of labour power as social citizens – A Utopian wage work society in the Nordic visions of welfare. In Helena Blomberg & Nanna Kildal (eds.): Workfare and welfare state legitimacy. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 1. NordWel, Helsinki 2010, 16-45.

Le national et le transnational dans l’essor et le déclin de l’État-providence nordique : Une perspective comparée. Revue d’Histoire Nordique n°9, 2009. Toulouse 2010, 27-56 (together with Klaus Petersen).

The Nordic Model and the Tension between the Social and the Economic – Finland as a case. In Stein Kuhnle, Chen Yinzhang, Klaus Petersen & Pauli Kettunen (eds.): The Nordic Welfare State. Fudan University Press, Shanghai 2010, 82-106. [in Chinese]

Vocational Education as an Answer – to What Questions? In Jaakko Kauko, Risto Rinne & Heli Kynkäänniemi (eds.): Restructuring the Truth of Schooling – Essays on Discursive Practices in the Sociology and Politics of Education. Research in Educational Sciences 48. Finnish Educational Research Association, Jyväskylä 2010, 199-225.

The Nordic Model and the International Labour Organization. In Norbert Götz & Heidi Haggrén (eds.): Regional Cooperation and International Organizations. The Nordic Model in Transnational Alignment. Routledge, London and New York 2009, 67-87.

Pauli Kettunen & Juhana Aunesluoma: History in the Cold War and the Cold War in the Present. In Juhana Aunesluoma & Pauli Kettunen (eds.): The Cold War and the Politics of History. Edita Publishing Ltd / University of Helsinki, Department of Social Science History, Helsinki 2008, 9-16.

Le modèle nordique et le consensus sur la compétitivité en Finlande. Revue internationale de politique comparée, Vol.13 3/2006, 447-467.

The Tension between the Social and the Economic – A Historical Perspective on a Welfare State. In Jari Ojala, Jari Eloranta & Jukka Jalava (eds.): The Road to Prosperity. An Economic History of Finland. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia 1076, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Helsinki 2006, pp. 285-313.

The Power of International Comparison – A Perspective on the Making and Challenging of the Nordic Welfare State. In Niels Finn Christiansen, Klaus Petersen, Nils Edling & Per Haave (eds.): The Nordic Model of Welfare – a Historical Reappraisal. Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen 2006, pp. 31-65.

Corporate citizenship and social partnership. In Lars-Folke Landgrén & Pirkko Hautamäki (eds.): People, Citizen, Nation. Renvall Institute, Helsinki 2005, pp. 28-49.

Vi möter nya utmaningar – men vem är vi?/ Meillä on uusia haasteita – mutta keitä ovat me? In Larserik Häggman (ed.): Finland i Norden, Finland 50 år i Nordiska rådet / Suomi Pohjoismaana. Suomi 50 vuotta Pohjoismaiden neuvostossa. Pohjola-Norden, Helsingfors / Helsinki 2005, pp. 25-33 / 24-32.

Samhället som styrs av samhället – en historisk synvinkel / Yhteiskunta ohjattavana ja ohjaajana – historiallinen näkökulma. In Pertti Hyttinen (ed.): ‘Yhteinen vapaus. Anders Chydeniuksen ajatukset nykyajasssa / Den gemensamma friheten. Anders Chydenius tankar i dagens värld. Anders Chydeniuksen Säätiö / Anders Chydenius Stiftelse, Kokkola / Karleby 2005, 76-85 / 194-202.

The Notion of Nordic Model as a Framework for Comparative Knowledge. In Jani Marjanen, Henrik Stenius and Jussi Vauhkonen (eds.): Research on the Study of the Nordic Welfare State. Renvall Institute Publications 16. The Renvall Institute for Area and Cultural Studies, University of Helsinki, Helsinki 2004, pp. 125-139.

Globalisering och nordiskt samhällsbegrepp. In Arne Jarrick och Alf Johansson (eds.): Jorden runt igen – nya bidrag till en gammal globalhistoria. Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Stockholm Studies in History 72. Almqvist & Wiksell International, Stockholm 2004, pp. 212-236.

The Nordic Model and Consensual Competitiveness in Finland. In Anna-Maija Castrén, Markku Lonkila and Matti Peltonen (eds.): Between Sociology and History. Essays on Microhistory, Collective Action, and Nation-Building. SKS / Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki 2004, pp. 289-309.

La globalizzazione e il criterio del “noi”. Welfare scandinavo. Storia e innovazione. A cura di Paolo Borioni. Carocci editore, Roma 2003, pp. 120-157.

The Nordic Welfare State in Finland. Scandinavian Journal of History Vol. 26, No. 3, 2001, pp. 225-247.

Modelle aus Deutschland zur Rationalisierung der Arbeit in Finnland. In Fritz Petrick & Dörte Putensen (eds.): Pro Finlandia 2001. Festschrift für Manfred Menger. Traute Warnke Verlag, Reinbek 2001, pp. 235-255.

Yhteiskunta – Society in Finnish. Finnish Yearbook of Political Thought 2000, vol. 4. SoPhi, Jyväskylä 2000, 159-197.

Internationella jämförelser som nationell och övernationell praktik – Ett historiskt perspektiv på globalisering och nationella arbetslivsinstitutioner. In: Nordisk arbeidslivskonference 1999. Norden i verden og verden i Norden. TemaNord 2000:575. Nordisk Ministerråd, Kobenhavn 2000, pp. 53-85.

The Nordic Model and the Making of the Competitive ‘Us’. In Paul Edwards & Tony Elger (eds.): The Global Economy, National States and the Regulation of Labour. Mansell/Routledge, London and New York 1999, pp. 111-137.

A Return to the Figure of the Free Nordic Peasant. Acta Sociologica Vol. 42 No. 3 1999, pp. 259-269.

Globalisation and the Criteria of ‘Us’ – A Historical Perspective on the Discussion of the Nordic Model and New Challenges. In Daniel Fleming, Pauli Kettunen, Henrik Soborg and Christer Thörnqvist (eds.): Global Redefining of Working Life – A New Nordic Agenda for Competence and Participation? Nord 1998:12. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen 1998, 33-80.

The Society of Virtuous Circles. In Pauli Kettunen & Hanna Eskola (eds): Models, Modernity and the Myrdals. Renvall Institute Publications 8. The Renvall Institute for Area and Cultural Studies, University of Helsinki. Helsinki 1997, pp. 153-173.

The Middle Class, Knowledge and the Idea of the Third Factor. Scandinavian Journal of History 1/1994, pp. 63-86 (co-authored with Ilkka Turunen).


Monographs and monograph-length chapters in books

Työväenkysymyksestä henkilöstöpolitiikkaan. Liiketoiminnan sosiaalinen ulottuvuus – tapaus Partek [From labour question to human resource management. The social dimension of business – Partek as a case]. Työväen historian ja perinteen tutkimuksen seura, Helsinki 2018. 197 s.

Historia petollisena liittolaisena. Näkökulmia työväen, työelämän ja hyvinvointivaltion historiaan [History as a treacherous ally. Perspectives to labour, working-life and welfare-state histories]. Työväen historian ja perinteen tutkimuksen seura, Helsinki 2015. 248 pp.

Globalisaatio ja kansallinen me. Kansallisen katseen historiallinen kritiikki [Globalisation and the national “we”. A historical critique of national gaze]. Vastapaino, Tampere 2008. 275 pp.

Från arbetarfrågan till personalpolitik [From labour question to human resource management]. In Antti Kuusterä (ed.): Ett storföretag och dess omvandling. Parteks hundraåriga historia. Partek Oyj Abp, Helsingfors 2002, pp. 265-384.
Työväenkysymyksestä henkilöstöpolitiikkaan. In Antti Kuusterä (ed.): Suuryritys ja sen muodonmuutos. Partekin satavuotinen historia. Partek Oyj Abp, Helsinki 2002, pp. 265-380.

Kansallinen työ. Suomalaisen suorituskyvyn vaalimisesta [National work. Studies on efforts for Finnish performance capacity]. Yliopistopaino, Helsinki 2001. 325 pp.

Työjärjestys. Tutkielmia työn ja tiedon poliittisesta historiasta [The order of work. Studies in the political history of work and knowledge]. Tutkijaliitto, Helsinki 1997. 213 pp.

Suojelu, suoritus, subjekti. Työsuojelu teollistuvan Suomen yhteiskunnallisissa ajattelu- ja toimintatavoissa. – Summary: Protection, performance, and subject. Labour protection and the social modes of thought and action in Finland, c. 1880-1950. Historiallisia Tutkimuksia 189. Suomen Historiallinen Seura, Helsinki 1994. 475 pp.

Poliittinen liike ja sosiaalinen kollektiivisuus. Tutkimus sosialidemokratiasta ja ammattiyhdistysliikkeestä Suomessa 1918-1930. Zusammenfassung: Politische Bewegung und soziale Kollektivität. Eine Untersuchung über die Sozialdemokratie und die Gewerkschaftsbewegung in Finnland 1918-1930. Historiallisia Tutkimuksia 138. Suomen Historiallinen Seura, Helsinki 1986. 553 pp. (Diss.).

Eettisen ja elämänkatsomuksellisen kasvatuksen mahdollisuudet ammatillisessa koulutuksessa [Ethical education in vocational training]. Ammattikoulujen Hämeenlinnan Opettajaopisto. Julkaisu 9, 1983. Hämeenlinna 1983. 173 pp.

Anoen, taistellen, neuvotellen. Veturimiesten ammattiyhdistystoiminnan kehitys vuoteen 1976 [The history of Finnish locomotive drivers’ trade union activities until 1976]. Porvoo 1976. 382 pp.

Edited books

Nationalism and Democracy in the Welfare State. Ed. by Pauli Kettunen, Saara Pellander & Miika Tervonen. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA 2022. 264 pp.

Työntekijän osallisuus – Mitä se on ja mitä sillä tavoitellaan. Ed. by Pauli Kettunen. Gaudeamus, Helsinki 2021. 237 pp.

北欧福祉国家は持続可能か: 多元性と政策協調のゆくえ. The Nordic Welfare Model – Still Sustainable? Ed. by Klaus Petersen, Stein Kuhnle, Pauli Kettunen, Yōko Ōtsuka & Akio Kamiko. Minerva Shobo, Kyoto 2017. 456 pp.

Race, Ethnicity and Welfare States – An American Dilemma? Ed. by Pauli Kettunen, Sonya Michel & Klaus Petersen. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA, 2015. 261 + xxv pp.

Reshaping welfare institutions in China and the Nordic countries. Ed. by Pauli Kettunen, Stein Kuhnle & Yuan Ren. NordWel Studies in Historical welfare State Research 7. NordWel, Helsinki 2014. 317 pp.

Tiedon ja osaamisen Suomi. Kasvatus ja koulutus Suomessa 1960-luvulta 2000-luvulle. Ed. by Pauli Kettunen & Hannu Simola. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Helsinki 2012. 555 pp.

Beyond Welfare State Models – Transnational Historical perspectives on Social Policy. Ed. by Pauli Kettunen & Klaus Petersen. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA, 2011. 247 pp.

Le passè et le futur de l’Etat-providence nordique – The Past and Future of the Nordic Welfare State. Ed. by Pauli Kettunen & Klaus Petersen. Special issue of Revue d’Histoire Nordique – Nordic Historical Review, no 9. Toulouse 2010.

The Nordic Welfare State. Ed. by Stein Kuhnle, Chen Yinzhang, Klaus Petersen, Pauli Kettunen. Fudan University Press, Shanghai 2010. 430 pp. [in Chinese].

The Cold War and the Politics of History. Ed. by Juhana Aunesluoma and Pauli Kettunen. Edita Publishing Ltd / University of Helsinki, Department of Social Science History, Helsinki 2008. 392 pp.

Lamakirja. Näkökulmia 1990-luvun talouskriisiin ja sen historiallisiin konteksteihin. Ed. by Helena Blomberg, Matti Hannikainen, Pauli Kettunen. Kirja-Aurora, Turku 2002. 411 pp.

Lokalt och internationellt. Dimensioner i den nordiska arbetarrörelsen och arbetarkulturen. Ed. by Pauli Kettunen. Papers on Labour History VI. Sällskapet för forskning i arbetarhistoria i Finland, Tammerfors 2002. 394 pp.

Jäljillä. Kirjoituksia historian ongelmista I-II. Ed. by Pauli Kettunen, Auli Kultanen, Timo Soikkanen. Kirja-Aurora, Turku 2000. 517 + 377 pp.

Global Redefining of Working Life – A New Nordic Agenda for Competence and Participation? Ed. by Daniel Fleming, Pauli Kettunen, Henrik Söborg & Christer Thörnqvist. Nord 1998:12. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen 1998. 364 pp.

Models, Modernity and the Myrdals. Ed. by Pauli Kettunen & Hanna Eskola. Renvall Institute Publications 8. The Renvall Institute for Area and Cultural Studies, University of Helsinki. Helsinki 1997. 205 pp.

Äänekäs kansa. Ed. by Pauli Kettunen, Raimo Parikka, Anu Suoranta. Väki voimakas 8. Työväen historian ja perinteen tutkimuksen seura. Helsinki 1996. 152 pp.

Arbete och nordisk samhällsmodell. Ed. by Pauli Kettunen & Tapio Rissanen. Papers on Labour History IV. Tammerfors 1995. 405 pp.

Strike and Social Change. Ed. by Pauli Kettunen. Turku Provincial Museum. Publications Series 7. Turku 1993. 171 pp.

Det nordiska i den nordiska arbetarrörelsen. Ed. by Pauli Kettunen. Papers on Labour History I. Publications by the Finnish Society for Labour History and Cultural Traditions. Helsinki 1986. 411 pp.