Selection of articles and book chapters

Democratic welfare nationalism and competitive community: changing ideals of social harmony in the regulation of capitalism. In Pauli Kettunen, Saara Pellander & Miika Tervonen (eds.): Nationalism and Democracy in the Welfare State. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2022, 78-102.

Introduction: rethinking nationalism and democracy in the welfare state. In Pauli Kettunen, Saara Pellander & Miika Tervonen (eds.): Nationalism and Democracy in the Welfare State. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 2022, 1-17.

Pauli Kettunen & Klaus Petersen: Images of the Nordic welfare model: Historical layers and ambiguities. In Haldor Byrkjeflot, Lars Mjøset, Mads Mordhorst & Klaus Petersen (eds.): The Making and Circulation of Nordic Models, Ideas and Images. Routledge, Abingdon 2021, 13-33.

Welfare state, competition state, security state. Nationalism in nation-state responses to cross-border mobilities. In Jussi P. Laine, Ilkka Liikanen, James W. Scott (eds.): Remapping Security on Europe’s Northern Borders. Routledge, Abingdon 2021, 201-220.

The rise and fall of the Nordic utopia of an egalitarian wage work society. In Sakari Hänninen, Kirsi-Marja Lehtelä & Paula Saikkonen (eds.): The Relational Nordic Welfare State. Between Utopia and Ideology. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham 2019, 95-118.

Conflicting interests and science-based planning in the making of the welfare state. Sartoniana, Vol 32, 2019, 171-189.

The Concept of Society in the Making of the Nordic Welfare State. In Stein Kuhnle, Per Selle & Sve, E. O. Hort (eds.): Globalizing Welfare. An Evolving Asian-European Dialogue. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham 2019, 143-161.

The Conceptual History of the Welfare State in Finland. In Nils Edling (ed.): The Changing Meanings of the Welfare State. Histories of a Key Concept in the Nordic Countries. Berghahn, New York & Oxford 2019, 225-275.

The concept of nationalism in discussions on a European society. Journal of Political Ideologies, Vol 23, Issue 3 (2018), 342-369.

Wars, nation and the welfare state in Finland. In Herbert Obinger, Klaus Petersen & Peter Starke (eds.): Warfare and Welfare. Military Conflict and Welfare State Development in Western Countries. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 260-289.

The Nordic model and the rise and fall of Nordic cooperation. In Johan Strang (ed.): Nordic Cooperation. A European region in transition. Routledge, London and New York 2015, 69-91 (co-authored with Urban Lundberg, Mirja Österberg and Klaus Petersen).

Introduction: An American Dilemma? In Pauli Kettunen, Sonya Michel & Klaus Petersen (eds.): Race, Ethnicity and Welfare States – An American Dilemma? Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA, 2015, xi-xxv (co-authored with Sonya Michel and Klaus Petersen).

Conflicts and compromises in the Nordic pattern of social regulation. In Pauli Kettunen, Stein Kuhnle & Yuan Ren (eds.): Reshaping welfare institutions in China and the Nordic countries. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 7. NordWel, Helsinki 2014, 96-121.

The Language of Social Politics in Finland. In Daniel Béland & Klaus Petersen (eds.): Analysing Social Policy Concepts and Language: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives. Policy Press, Bristol 2014, 157-176.

Unsere Wettbewerbsfähigkeit – Nationalismus und globaler Wirtschaftswettbewerb in Finnland. In Deutsch-Finnische Gesellschaft (Hrsg.): Finnland im Blick. Historische und zeitgeschichtliche Studien. Festschrift für Dörte Putensen. Redaktion: Manfred Menger und Burkhart E. Poser. SAXA Verlag, Berlin 2014, 315-330.

The ILO as a Forum for Developing and Demonstrating a Nordic Model. In Sandrine Kott & Joelle Droux (eds.): Globalizing social rights. The International Labour Organization and Beyond. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke and New York 2013, 210-230.

Vocational education and the tensions of modernity in a Nordic periphery. In Mette Buchardt, Pirjo Markkola & Heli Valtonen (toim.): Education, State and Citizenship. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 4. NordWel, Helsinki 2013, 31-55.

Reinterpreting the Historicity of the Nordic Model. Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies, Vol 2, No 4 (2012), 21-43.

Welfare Nationalism and Competitive Community. In Andrzej Marcin Suszycki (ed.): Welfare citizenship and welfare nationalism. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 2. NordWel, Helsinki 2011, 79-117.

The transnational construction of national challenges: the ambiguous Nordic model of welfare and competitiveness. In Pauli Kettunen & Klaus Petersen (eds.): Beyond Welfare State Models – Transnational Historical perspectives on Social Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA, 2011, 16-40.

Introduction: rethinking welfare state models. In Pauli Kettunen & Klaus Petersen (eds.): Beyond Welfare State Models – Transnational Historical perspectives on Social Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA, 2011, 1-15 (co-authored with Klaus Petersen).

The sellers of labour power as social citizens – A Utopian wage work society in the Nordic visions of welfare. In Helena Blomberg & Nanna Kildal (eds.): Workfare and welfare state legitimacy. NordWel Studies in Historical Welfare State Research 1. NordWel, Helsinki 2010, 16-45.

Le national et le transnational dans l’essor et le déclin de l’État-providence nordique : Une perspective comparée. Revue d’Histoire Nordique n°9, 2009. Toulouse 2010, 27-56 (together with Klaus Petersen).

The Nordic Model and the Tension between the Social and the Economic – Finland as a case. In Stein Kuhnle, Chen Yinzhang, Klaus Petersen & Pauli Kettunen (eds.): The Nordic Welfare State. Fudan University Press, Shanghai 2010, 82-106. [in Chinese]

Vocational Education as an Answer – to What Questions? In Jaakko Kauko, Risto Rinne & Heli Kynkäänniemi (eds.): Restructuring the Truth of Schooling – Essays on Discursive Practices in the Sociology and Politics of Education. Research in Educational Sciences 48. Finnish Educational Research Association, Jyväskylä 2010, 199-225.

The Nordic Model and the International Labour Organization. In Norbert Götz & Heidi Haggrén (eds.): Regional Cooperation and International Organizations. The Nordic Model in Transnational Alignment. Routledge, London and New York 2009, 67-87.

Pauli Kettunen & Juhana Aunesluoma: History in the Cold War and the Cold War in the Present. In Juhana Aunesluoma & Pauli Kettunen (eds.): The Cold War and the Politics of History. Edita Publishing Ltd / University of Helsinki, Department of Social Science History, Helsinki 2008, 9-16.

Le modèle nordique et le consensus sur la compétitivité en Finlande. Revue internationale de politique comparée, Vol.13 3/2006, 447-467.

The Tension between the Social and the Economic – A Historical Perspective on a Welfare State. In Jari Ojala, Jari Eloranta & Jukka Jalava (eds.): The Road to Prosperity. An Economic History of Finland. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia 1076, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Helsinki 2006, pp. 285-313.

The Power of International Comparison – A Perspective on the Making and Challenging of the Nordic Welfare State. In Niels Finn Christiansen, Klaus Petersen, Nils Edling & Per Haave (eds.): The Nordic Model of Welfare – a Historical Reappraisal. Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen 2006, pp. 31-65.

Corporate citizenship and social partnership. In Lars-Folke Landgrén & Pirkko Hautamäki (eds.): People, Citizen, Nation. Renvall Institute, Helsinki 2005, pp. 28-49.

Vi möter nya utmaningar – men vem är vi?/ Meillä on uusia haasteita – mutta keitä ovat me? In Larserik Häggman (ed.): Finland i Norden, Finland 50 år i Nordiska rådet / Suomi Pohjoismaana. Suomi 50 vuotta Pohjoismaiden neuvostossa. Pohjola-Norden, Helsingfors / Helsinki 2005, pp. 25-33 / 24-32.

Samhället som styrs av samhället – en historisk synvinkel / Yhteiskunta ohjattavana ja ohjaajana – historiallinen näkökulma. In Pertti Hyttinen (ed.): ‘Yhteinen vapaus. Anders Chydeniuksen ajatukset nykyajasssa / Den gemensamma friheten. Anders Chydenius tankar i dagens värld. Anders Chydeniuksen Säätiö / Anders Chydenius Stiftelse, Kokkola / Karleby 2005, 76-85 / 194-202.

The Notion of Nordic Model as a Framework for Comparative Knowledge. In Jani Marjanen, Henrik Stenius and Jussi Vauhkonen (eds.): Research on the Study of the Nordic Welfare State. Renvall Institute Publications 16. The Renvall Institute for Area and Cultural Studies, University of Helsinki, Helsinki 2004, pp. 125-139.

Globalisering och nordiskt samhällsbegrepp. In Arne Jarrick och Alf Johansson (eds.): Jorden runt igen – nya bidrag till en gammal globalhistoria. Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. Stockholm Studies in History 72. Almqvist & Wiksell International, Stockholm 2004, pp. 212-236.

The Nordic Model and Consensual Competitiveness in Finland. In Anna-Maija Castrén, Markku Lonkila and Matti Peltonen (eds.): Between Sociology and History. Essays on Microhistory, Collective Action, and Nation-Building. SKS / Finnish Literature Society, Helsinki 2004, pp. 289-309.

La globalizzazione e il criterio del “noi”. Welfare scandinavo. Storia e innovazione. A cura di Paolo Borioni. Carocci editore, Roma 2003, pp. 120-157.

The Nordic Welfare State in Finland. Scandinavian Journal of History Vol. 26, No. 3, 2001, pp. 225-247.

Modelle aus Deutschland zur Rationalisierung der Arbeit in Finnland. In Fritz Petrick & Dörte Putensen (eds.): Pro Finlandia 2001. Festschrift für Manfred Menger. Traute Warnke Verlag, Reinbek 2001, pp. 235-255.

Yhteiskunta – Society in Finnish. Finnish Yearbook of Political Thought 2000, vol. 4. SoPhi, Jyväskylä 2000, 159-197.

Internationella jämförelser som nationell och övernationell praktik – Ett historiskt perspektiv på globalisering och nationella arbetslivsinstitutioner. In: Nordisk arbeidslivskonference 1999. Norden i verden og verden i Norden. TemaNord 2000:575. Nordisk Ministerråd, Kobenhavn 2000, pp. 53-85.

The Nordic Model and the Making of the Competitive ‘Us’. In Paul Edwards & Tony Elger (eds.): The Global Economy, National States and the Regulation of Labour. Mansell/Routledge, London and New York 1999, pp. 111-137.

A Return to the Figure of the Free Nordic Peasant. Acta Sociologica Vol. 42 No. 3 1999, pp. 259-269.

Globalisation and the Criteria of ‘Us’ – A Historical Perspective on the Discussion of the Nordic Model and New Challenges. In Daniel Fleming, Pauli Kettunen, Henrik Soborg and Christer Thörnqvist (eds.): Global Redefining of Working Life – A New Nordic Agenda for Competence and Participation? Nord 1998:12. Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen 1998, 33-80.

The Society of Virtuous Circles. In Pauli Kettunen & Hanna Eskola (eds): Models, Modernity and the Myrdals. Renvall Institute Publications 8. The Renvall Institute for Area and Cultural Studies, University of Helsinki. Helsinki 1997, pp. 153-173.

The Middle Class, Knowledge and the Idea of the Third Factor. Scandinavian Journal of History 1/1994, pp. 63-86 (co-authored with Ilkka Turunen).

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