Tag Archives: models

The first course is coming up!

This blog will be taken in use soon as the Intensive course on quantitative analysis launches on Tuesday 11. March.  This intensive course is a part of the MGC4 Advanced Research Methods in Communication module. All the details of the course, such as dates and locations, can be found at the electronic course catalog Weboodi.

This course focuses on quantitative research methods in media and communication studies. It focuses on the principles in empirical quantitative research and introduces such methods as survey and content analysis. Through the individual or group projects conducted during the course the students gain hands-on experience on planning a research design, conducting data analysis with SPSS, and presenting research results. The main focus of the course is on practical knowledge needed for conducting quantitative media and communication research.

This blog serves as resource for the students of this intensive course. It is however open and free to use for anyone who might be interested in the contents of it. Take a closer look at the purpose, contents, and some important considerations regarding this blog and its contents at the About this blog section.