About SusEdu

We live in a time of climate crises and in the middle of a pandemic, in a situation when it is high time to make changes both in thinking and acting. Sustainability Education (SusEdu) aims at raising awareness and knowledge about sustainability issues to enable new visions and actions for a better future.  Beside politics, education is one of the most important paths towards new worldwide aims. Therefore, sustainability has to be the core in contemporary research and teaching, shaping empowering and responsible solutions for tomorrow. In addition, education has a crucial role in informing about and initiating discussions on the message of Agenda 2030 and other current policy agreements dealing with sustainability on a local or global level. As a research topic, sustainability education has a huge number of tasks, from the development of theories to solving various kinds of empirical problems in collaboration with students and other stakeholders.

Sustainability is at the core of practices and theoretical fields at the Faculty of Educational Sciences. Under this light, we assembled the SusEdu expert group of Faculty members, such as professors, lecturers and researchers. The focus of the group is on Sustainability Education research from an interdisciplinary perspective performed through a variety of methods.

SusEdu is affiliated with the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS) and the Interdisciplinary Network of Environmental and Sustainability Education Research (SIRENE). HELSUS is a large interdisciplinary research association of the University of Helsinki, while SIRENE is a wide national researcher network. In addition, the SusEdu group members are both jointly and separately involved in many other national and international networks and projects on sustainability education.