June 2024

Sharing Outcomes


VISLU Researchers present research outcomes at the conference  REIMAGINING TEACHERS AND TEACHER EDUCATION FOR OUR FUTURES

Upcoming articles:

Cornér, S., Savijärvi, M., Kaihovirta, H., & Löfström, E. (2024). Profiles of professional identity among student teachers.  In Teacher Development. Under review.

Cornér, S. & Kaihovirta, H. (2024). Visual Methods as Student Reflections on Teaching Practice A Reimagined Pedagogical Resource.  Paper presentation at Reimagining teachers and teacher education for our futures University of Helsinki, June 2024. In progress.

Kaihovirta, H. & Cornér, S. (2025). Enhancing Teacher Professional Identity Through Pecha Kucha: A Collaborative Exploration. In progress.

Updating Course Design for Academic year 2024-2025

VISLU production of updated online course material, learning assets and support for student teachers in visual methods and methodologies for courses in Qualitative Research Approaches. Course material design focuses on BA and MA Thesis studies in Educational Sciences. Course Design made in collaboration with MA student Tintin Rosvik at Visual Communication Design  (VCD) Studies at Aalto University.



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