VITRI at HENVI Science Day 2016

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VITRI in alongside fellow researchers from Development Studies and the Dept of Environmental Sciences, participated in the HENVI Science Day 2016. The topic of the activity was Environmental vulnerabilities in the globalizing world: How to adapt and manage change? And included presentations by international keynote speakers and Finnish experts.

As in previous year, the HENVI Science Days builds on the experiences of one of the HENVI funded project, in this case the EnvGov project (Environmental vulnerability, social resilience and multi-scale governance) where Prof. Markku Kanninen, Maarit Kallio and Adrián Monge are participating on behalf of VITRI

More information about the activity can be found in the LINK

COLPOS delegations says Adios!

Visit to LUKE
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Few days ago a delegation from the Posgrado en Ciencias Forestales visited VITRI and the Dept. of Forest Sciences part of the ongoing cooperation between our Department and the Colegio de Postgraduados (México); these activities are also part of a larger framework of cooperation between the University of Helsinki and several academic institutions in Mexico.
Some of activities carried out during the visit included an information session with forestry services providers (Simosol, TAPIO, TRESTIMA, Arbonaut, Metsäkeskus), meetings at the Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (including a representative from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs), a formal visit to the Mexican Ambassador in Finland H.E. Norma Pensado, a visit to a local paper mill (Kirkniemi Mill, Sappi Group) finally a visit to the Forestry Field Station in Hyytiälä and one of the logging sites managed by StoraEnso. Continue reading “COLPOS delegations says Adios!”