Eleventh week

This week I tried to do a little bit more because next week will be full.

News reading of course. This week cold weather and more snow says forecasts. The conclusion for eastern border; closing. Finland’s government decided to close all but two borders between Finland and Russia. In Turku has built the largest cruise liner. The ship is 365 meters long and has room for 7600 passengers. Do we really need that big ship to pollute oceans more? Later this week news told that the last border on east been shut down, no more suspected and undocumented immigrants.

Tasks for the support group. I did third vocabulary task for the course, and it took about 2h this time too. We needed to think about vocabulary learning methods we have used and try other’s methods. I did try a for example freerice website, where you have to know meanings or synonyms for words. According to the website you will donate some rice as humanitarian aid for every correct answer. The other I tried was knoword, and it was very fun. It was like Alias, you needed to guess the word by given hints. There were a few difficulty levels but the easiest one was good for me.

I did watch one document: My Muslin Husband, from HBO. I watched with English texts because their were peaking Romanian over the half of the time. It lasted an hour and it was very interesting, related to my studies as well. It was about how two Romanian people fell in love when other is Muslim and other one not. Document filmed their life and struggles with parents’ acceptation. The man, Daniel was Muslim, and his upcoming wife Alexandra needed to turn into Islam so that they could get married. Document shows Alexandras feelings about hijabs and covering, but feeling about how to live with Muslim man when you are not that religious.

I did watch four episodes my series Task Master UK. Every episode was 45min. I started new season and in this season there is one actor/comedienne who is from Australia. Her accent is a bit tricky sometimes and other competitors are laughing to her words sometimes. Even it could be hard to understand I did not put texts on.

I did one word list from one of my courses articles, it took me 45min to read the text again and collect some words down, then translate it. I tried one method learned from support group and separate the words in to three groups; verbs, nouns and adjectives. I saw that I got more adjectives than others, so maybe adjectives are the hardest group for me and I need to lean it more.

I read my book after the long time. I took some me time one evening with tea and chocolate and read a few chapters more. It was chilly and I have missed reading something not so academic. I got in to it and read over an hour. The actor was talking about how he got friends and how they spent time out of scenes. He also remembered they needed to do schoolwork in “school bus”. Sounds funny, but the teacher was tough and made sure they did learn something.

And that was the week, here is my time table:

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