Twelfth week

This week real struggles with time.

I finished my book on Monday evening and it took about 40min to read it. Over all very interesting and good book. Harry Potter is so famous and still popular scene that this book was sell success. It was a peek behind the scenes and why not a fan want to do it.

I did news reading only three times a week, about the same 15min. I got to the Campus on two days because of Finland’s independents day and my sisters high school graduation party. This week news of course about Presidential reception/Castle party. How nice dresses and personal suits! News about the cool weather and more about the border situations.

I listened one more podcast episode, “What if New York City was a country?”. The podcaster were talking about such a large area like New York being its own ecosystem or independent economic center. They mentioned that New York has a lot of opportunities and structure that even smaller countries don’t have. Ner York is apparently pretty independent city or area in USA and that is why they were spinning the possibility of New York being a country. Obviously, it is not going to happened but interesting talk.

And hare was this week, a lot to do outside school so quite small effort.

Here is my timetable:

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