Ninth week

This week some struggling with time but I made it.

I did read some news on my way to the campus. I was able to go lessons this week, so I did the basic 15min reading on my bus trip four days in a week. Reading new got me on a map but it is not nice to read news these days when it is all about war, crimes, crises, expensive values, and Finnish government. A whole straight in this week too, even Rainbow mark is going down! I would hope for more positive English news from Yle.

I did do tasks for my support group in this week too. We got another writing task which includes learning what kind of studier you are and new studying techniques. It was helpful and interesting. It took me more than 2 hours to complete, I did it over the course of two days so I’m not that sure how long it took, I market it as 2h.

I did listen two podcast episodes. I didn’t have that much time this week so it was easy thing to do while walking a dog or cleaning etc. First one was talking about the scenario where Honeybees and other pollinators would die out. Very specific but true problem. In Finland for example, on spring we have news about bees and pollinators getting less and how it will affect to fruits and berries. The other episode was about Cascadia, a large area on western North America. It includes parts of Canada and the United States. It was a bit hard and weird to listen because topic was not known. However, I understood that Cascadia area is special as culture and bioregion. Apparently, the area is about to get independency, I did google about it and still not got why? I mean yes, there is different system of environment, ecosystem, culture and industry but still sounds weird.

And here goes my timetable:

Eight week

This week I did a bit more job because I got sick and had time to expend.

I did watch one document called “Addiction” on HBO. It was about alcohol and drug addictions. It was a bit sad to watch that young people 16-31 to got in that point they need drugs to live. And how their parents even did not got it before it was too late. But there were demonstrations of new treatments how to get rid of it. Of course, the earlier you can start treatments the bigger chance you have to success.

I read some news while eating breakfast this week. I did it daily (tue-sat) about 15min per day, so it took 1h and 15min. Because I am slow reader I got 4-5 news per day as usually, but it Is a good take off for the weeks/day’s news. This week the god food saga continued, Musti ja Mirri had sold bad food and have caused severe symptoms in pets. Luckily my dog does no eat that food. This week was “the expected” week when Finnish tax and income data of people earning more than 100 000€ was revealed. I personally don’t care about it and so doesn’t most according the new. Weird that it will still be revealed, not in any other country. At the end of the week sad news; Finland’s former president Martti Ahtisaari had state funerals, rest in peace!

This week started support groups again. For this period, I did take Moodle group; vocabulary. I did choose it because I have so many other courses and got not much tie for meetings, in this course I can do everything when I have time. This week I did the first task for the group and it took me over an hour and reading other peoples writings ~15min. It was very good task at first, write about you and try to find two new words for each part, so basically synonyms. It was fun and teaching but a bit hard too.

I watched one movie while lying on the bed. It was called “Elizabeth -A Portrait in Part(s)”. It was about British former queen Elizabeth second. I am not sure was this more of movie or document but I marked it as a movie.

I did watch my series “Task master UK” for one whole season because bored. It was the fifth season, in which eight episodes, lasted 45min. I did mark it for 3h only. It has come more easier to follow the program without subtitles, I have learned to listen British accent! Yejj! However, in this season there were one comedian, Mark Watson, who was born in Bristol for Welsh mother (I googled). His accent was so weird, and it took a time to get sometimes what was he saying.

I did listen one podcast episode form “Geography Is Everything” podcast. It took 1h 40min and was about the situation in the oceans, more proper seafood. The podcasters were talking about overfishing humankind is doing right now. The seas are not only for the humans but for the other animals that rely on them. We have thought; what happens to the global fishers after no fish, but what happens to the ocean live without it? It is one whole ecosystem down there! It was, again, sad to hear but it is the truth we knew.

And my timetable:

Seventh week

New period has started and I have 54h to do in this period.

I read some news on my way to the campus. I did save this task because it felt good and I got a routine out of it. In this period I have lections on four days a week. I did read YLE English news about the same 10-15min per day. This week the news was about Israel and more specific Gaza’s situation. The armed conflict between Israel and terrorist organization Hamas has been running for a month now and there is still some Finns and a lot of civils who has been caught up in the war. Some other news talked about Finnish families and low incomes who are struggling even more for survival. And again Petteri Orpo’s government is going to do some cuts from them too. News about increasing coronavirus situation and Finland’s organic food producers’ bad positions.

I did a word list about my other course article. The article itself was easy to read but there were themed words be repeated often and I had no idea what they meant. I did a list for paper and translated it. After that it was much easier to read the text.

I did listen podcast again. I did listen one episode which was separated in two parts. It was an interesting topic; how does the football word cup affect the world. They were talking about the FIFA world cup and how it unites humankind. Football or soccer how they were calling it in USA and many other countries too, is very widespread game and played in every country I would guess. That big event has fans everywhere in the world who follow, buy fan products, even travels for the cup. It is very worthwhile for the housing country and participating countries locally at the time. it has raised women’s sports too and it has came more popular and followed.

Here is my timetable: