Sir John Walker to give EMBO Keynote lecture in Helsinki, 10th June 2015

The European Molecular Biology Organisation will support a Keynote Lecture by the renowned Nobel Laureate, Sir John Walker during the Paulo Foundation Symposium “From Atomic Structure to Disease Mechanisms” held 10-12th June in Helsinki. Registration is now open for the meeting which is part of the <375> celebrations of Helsinki University.

Sir John’s lecture is entitled “The ATP synthase in mitochondria: involvement in life and death of eukaryotic cells”

Read more about ATP synthase in the Nature Scitable article “Mitochondria”

Ribbons representation of an ATP synthase structure from the PDBe deposition 4tt3, made using UCSF Chimera software. See Bason, J.V., Montgomery, M.G., Leslie, A.G., Walker, J.E. Pathway of binding of the intrinsically disordered mitochondrial inhibitor protein to F1-ATPase. PROC.NATL.ACAD.SCI.USA (2014) 111 pp. 11305 for more details.

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