Book out! Domains and Regions in Tense and Aspect, edited by Robert Botne and Axel Fanego Palat

Domains and Regions in Bantu Tense and Aspect
Domains and Regions in Bantu Tense and Aspect

I picked up my complimentary author’s copies of this book from our semi-local “Afro & Asian” food shop on Wednesday (the Finnish postal system is full of mysteries). I was very excited to receive it, and I’m even more excited to have been a part of this publication, after many years of working to understand and apply Robert Botne’s Domains and Regions framework, which, in my opinion, can handle facets of (many) Bantu languages’ multiple time distinctions that other theories do not always address.

As always, it was a joy to work with Bob Botne and with Axel.

The volume is available for purchase at