New article on the political economy of household services in Europe

Kristiina Aalto is one of the authors in a edited volume called The Political Economy of Household Services in Europe (edited by Clément Carbonnier and Nathalie Morel). Her article is titled: The Finnish Tax Reduction For Domestic Costs: Consumption Patterns. The book analyses the aims pursued with policies to support household services, and the ways in which the issues have been framed. It examines the resultant labour market outcomes, focusing on the forms and quality of employment in the household services sector, and highlighting both the symbolic and economic effects of the construction of domestic and care services as low-skilled, low-value work. The authors demonstrate how these policies have actively contributed to the structuring of dualisms within the labour market, reinforcing social, gendered and ethnic divides. They also shed light on the distributive effects of these policies, which essentially benefit affluent households, and question their efficiency, not least with regard to their employment objectives.

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