New issue of IJE4D (2014)

It is our pleasure to announce the publication of the third issue of The International Journal of Education for Diversities (IJE4D, ISSN: 2242-7430), which is published by the Department of Teacher Education at the University of Helsinki.

The third volume of this journal brings together a special issue and a varia section. The special issue is entitled Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners and was edited by Clea Schmidt, Heini Paavola and Samúel Lefever. The special issue was prepared by members of the network Diverse Teachers for Diverse Learners (2011-2014, sponsored by Nordforsk, an organization under the Nordic Council of Ministers that provides funding for research and cooperation. The project explored diverse students’ experiences in schools, how students benefit from linguistically and culturally diverse teachers and how the teaching force generally benefits from diversification, how diverse teachers in the different countries effect and contribute to diverse teaching practices and school cultures, and how teacher education in the different countries should develop and take into account the diversification of teachers and students.

The issue also contains two varia articles.

The countries covered in the issue include: Canada China, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and the UK.

The articles are available online free of charge:

The International Journal of Education for Diversities (IJE4D) is a fully blind peer-reviewed journal which is published since 2012. We are accepting proposals for the 2015 issue until 25th June 2015. Please refer to:

Please contact us for special issue proposals.

Before submitting an article, please read carefully the journal aims and scope.

Fred Dervin (Editor-in-Chief, University of Helsinki)

Julie Byrd Clark (Associate Editor, Western University, Canada)

Regis Machart (Associate Editor, Universiti Putra Malaysia)

Renmin University International Summer School 2015

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I am giving the following summer course at Renmin University of China this summer (6-31.7.2015)

Current and Emerging Trends in Education Beyond Borders

This course introduces students to the many and varied ways education systems and educational institutions ‘do’ internationalization. The main current and emerging trends will be presented. The students will learn to discuss the pros and cons of internationalization and its challenges for all the actors involved. The students will also learn to analyse successful practice in relation to intercultural practices in the context of internationalization of education. Discussions of policies from around the world will strengthen the students’ analytical framework.

More information HERE

Application here


Advance Information: Book by Benjamin/Dervin

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The existing literature and numerous webpages dealing with Third Culture Kids often appear to be overenthusiastic about the concept. TCKs have spent their childhood on the move, living in many different countries and languages. Researchers, practitioners and TCKs themselves have created an essentialized image of TCKs, even though, in essence, these individuals are just migrants in special circumstances. This book proposes to think otherwise and to review the ideologies and myths behind this construct. With contributors from different parts of the world and from various disciplines, the origins of the term TCKs, its development and the current debates around it are discussed, beyond the current and somewhat stagnant discourses about these individuals. The key concepts associated with Third Culture Kids are also revisited. This volume represents a timely, authoritative and alternative way of rethinking and reimagining the impact of mobility.