New paper on dynamic accessibility modelling!

The concept of spatial accessibility – the potential of opportunities for interaction – binds together the key physical components of urban structure: people, transport and social activity locations. Despite the dynamic nature of these components and the changing accessibility landscape in space-time, however, location-based accessibility research has been predominantly static (atemporal) in nature.

With the joint research between Digital Geography Lab in Helsinki and Mobility Lab in Tartu, Estonia, we propose a generic conceptual framework of dynamic location-based accessibility modelling. For that, we used our dasymetric model and integrated mobile phone data to spatial accessibility modelling as a proxy for dynamic population distribution. In case of food accessibility by public transport in Tallinn (Estonia), we empirically demonstrate the impact of temporal aspects in accessibility modelling.

Read more in Applied Geography: Dynamic cities: Location-based accessibility modelling as a function of time

The conceptual framework for a dynamic location-based accessibility modelling (top). Here, all three components of spatial accessibility (people, transport and activities) vary as a function of time. The implementation of the framework (bottom) is an illustration of our case study, exemplifying the variation of accessibility in space and time to grocery stores in Helsinki, taking into account all the three accessibility components within a 24-h timeframe.