New Travel Time Matrix 2023 and GREENTRAVEL project

Digital Geography Lab presented a new travel time matrix 2023 and a new big project GREENTRAVEL in a seminar held in Think Corner.

Helsinki region travel time matrix was published now for the fourth time. The matrix is an interactive open access dataset that allows investigation of travel times for different travel modes in Helsinki region. Professor Tuuli Toivonen gave an insight to the history of the matrix which was first published already ten years ago in 2013.

Since the first matrix was computed, the technology has improved and enabled the use of new methods. Christoph Fink explained how the new matrix was calculated and showed how it works.  Current accessibility prospects and changes in the regional structures of accessibility in Helsinki region were described by Elias Willberg. We also had two guest speekers, Miikka Haimila and Iiris Karvinen, from the city of Helsinki. Haimila reflected the importance of matrix for the city and its open data activities. Karvinen took the angle of a planner and demonstrated how the matrix has been serving the planning needs of the city.

In the end Tuuli Toivonen presented our new big project GREENTRAVEL which aims to explore the availability and quality of green urban travel environments and their impacts on wellbeing through the prism of urban informatics. We continued the discussions right after the seminar in a GREENTRAVEL workshop where we focused on the role of greenery in urban travel environments and how greenery can be better incorporated in current green infrastructure and travel and mobility planning.

Tuuli Toivonen telling about the history of Travel time matrix
Christoph Fink presenting the details of the new matrix
Elias Willberg showing how the accessibility has changed in Helsinki region during the last ten years
Presenters answering to the questions from the audience

Presentations from the event

Click on the image to open the presentation.


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The Digital Geography Lab is an interdisciplinary research team focusing on spatial Big Data analytics for fair and sustainable societies at the University of Helsinki.