MetropAccess-Travel Time Matrix is being updated!

The Accessibility Research Group is currently working on updating the MetropAccess-Travel Time Matrix dataset! The matrix consists of travel time and travel distance information across the Helsinki Metropolitan Region by walking, public transportion and car. The dataset will be updated to represent the current time tables and transportation network (for example including the Ring Rail Line).

The updated matrix will be distributed on the project website later this fall. In the meanwhile, have a look at the original Travel Time Matrix available in the Data-section.

Stay tuned!

New paper out: Accessibility of urban aquatic environments using PPGIS method

In our new joint article with Aalto University (Department of Real Estate, Planning and Geoinformatics) we examine access to aquatic environments from the environmental justice perspective. Participation GIS (PPGIS) method was used to provide multifaceted knowledge on the person-based accessibility patterns related to aquatic environments. Our accessibility tools were used to model the accessibility to water areas with different travel modes.

Article was published in Landscape and Urban Planning. Read the full article here:
Comparing conventional and PPGIS approaches in measuring equality of access to urban aquatic environments

Accessibility seminar in Kumpula on Friday 10th July 2015!

The MetropAccess-project from the University of  Helsinki, and the SNAMUTS (Spatial Network Analysis for Multi-modal Urban Transport Systems) -project from Australia are organizing a summer seminar focusing on the analysis of urban accessibility on Friday the 10th of June at the University of Helsinki, Kumpula Campus. The event will be held in the Exactum-building, room CK112 from 9.30 am until 2 pm. See the preliminary program for the seminar here (only in Finnish).

During the day, we will hear presentations about tools and data for studying multimodal accessibility in the capital region of Helsinki, future scenarios of accessibility, and international comparisons between different urban regions.

The Australian research group SNAMUTS has studied accessibility in 24 city regions. We will hear more about  indicators in their study and results regarding the city region of Helsinki. We will also have a look at the ongoing work in the MetropAccess-project regarging mobile phone data and the modeling of real movement patters of people.

The goal of the both projects is to provide useful information about multimodal accessibility for urban planners. We would like to warmly welcome city planners, consultants researchers and students within this field!

The event is organizen both in Finnish and in English. Sign up for the seminar before the 5th of July via this link (add  your name, organization and email address):

Maria defends her thesis on Friday 7th November!

Maria Salonen will be defending her thesis  “Analysing spatial accessibility patterns with travel time and distance measures: novel approaches for rural and urban contexts” on 7th November at 12 o’clock noon in the lecture hall 5 of the main building of the University of Helsinki, Rein Ahas acting as the opponent and Tommi Inkinen as custos. Her thesis summary is available in the e-thesis service.