Minisymposium on 6th November!

Our research group is organising a mini-symposium on

Utilising novel spatial data sources in analyzing and understanding human mobility patterns and accessibility

on Thursday, November 6th, between 2pm-4pm at Kumpula campus, Exactum room C124 :
* Rein Ahas, the University of Tartu, talking about using mobile phone data in analyzing the spatial mobility patterns
* Anders Larsson and Erik Elldér, University of Gothenburg, about human spatial interaction and mobility in various forms



New publication in Terra!

Our article “Joukkoliikenteellä, autolla ja kävellen: Avoin saavutettavuusaineisto pääkaupunkiseudulla” (‘By public transportation, private car and walking: Open accessibility data set of Helsinki Region’) was published in Terra.

Our article also introduces a new article format ‘Data descriptions’ that is a publication for descriptions of scientifically valuable datasets that aims at helping the researchers to publish, discover and reuse research data thus promoting open science.

New publication in Kvartti!

Our work and accessibility related tools are introduced in an article that was published in City of Helsinki Urban Facts’ journal Kvartti. Journal is openly available here (in finnish/swedish).

Two new publications: tools for accessibility calculations in Helsinki Region and in Peruvian Amazonia

We have two new publications available from our Publications page.

First one introduces methods (i.e. MetropAccess-Reititin tool) to calculate travel times in Helsinki Region based on public transportion schedules.

The second one introduces methods and tools to analyze travel times and speeds in Peruvian Amazonia based on our pilot Amazonia Riverboat Observation System (AROS) and Trajectory Reconstruction and Analysis Tool (TRAT) that is designed to analyse and extract information from AROS GPS-data.

Two presentations in OGRS 2014 conference

We had two presentations from our group in OGRS 2014 conference dedicated to exchanging ideas on and results from development and use of open source geospatial software in both research and education.

Juha Järvi had a presentation about the MetropAccess-Reititin (i.e. Router) which is a tool designed to analyze travel times and accessibility in urban areas based on public transportation schedules.

Henrikki Tenkanen had a presentation about our accessibility research in Peruvian Amazonia. He told about the pilot observation system (AROS) that we have developed for tracking the local riverboats navigating along the Amazonian rivers and about the open source analysis tool (TRAT) that is developed to analyze the data from the observation system.

MetropAccess workshop in February

MetropAccess research group will organize an accessibility-related workshop in 14.2.2014. Event will be held in Physicum building in the campus of Kumpula (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2).

In the workshop we will demonstrate analytical tools that we have developed for analysing accessibility by different travel modes in Helsinki metropolitan region.

More information and registration can be found here. (in finnish only).