Meet Kirsi Ylinen, a new Research Assistant in the MOBICON project

The Digital Geography Lab is happy to welcome Kirsi Ylinen, a new Research Assistant in the MOBICON project. Kirsi works at the Lab this summer to study the residential background of national parks visitors in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area using mobile phone data. Read more about Kirsi and her research from our mini-interview below.

A profile photo of Kirsi Ylinen













Please briefly introduce your position and research topic at the Digital Geography Lab

Hi! My name is Kirsi Ylinen and I recently started as a Research Assistant in the MOBICON project (Mobile Big Data for Understanding People in Nature) at the Digital Geography Lab. Over the summer, I will be studying national park visitation using mobile phone data. My goal is to understand who the visitors are, but more importantly, who are not visiting the national parks.

In what kind of positions have you worked prior to joining the Digital Geography Lab?

During my MSc studies, I majored in geoinformatics and explored various interesting topics from urban planning to conservation geography. One of the most rewarding experiences of my university journey was working as an assistant teacher in different geography and geoinformatics courses. Additionally, I worked as a geoinformatics intern for the City of Helsinki, where I focused on ecological and green networks within the city. Continue reading “Meet Kirsi Ylinen, a new Research Assistant in the MOBICON project”

Meet Matti Hästbacka, a Doctoral Researcher in the MOBICON project

We are excited to introduce Matti Hästbacka! 🙂 Matti works as a Doctoral Researcher in the MOBICON project (Mobile Big Data for Understanding People in Nature). Check out our mini-interview with Matti to learn more about his research and interests.

Matti's profile photo









Who are you and what is your position at the University?

My name is Matti Hästbacka, and I’m a Doctoral Researcher in the MOBICON project (Mobile Big Data for Understanding People in Nature) at the Digital Geography Lab. In my thesis, I employ mobile big data and novel methods to understand the changing carbon footprint of nature-based tourism.

In what kind of positions have you worked prior to joining University?

I graduated with an MSc in Geography from the same department where I’m currently working. In my MSc studies, I majored in Geoinformatics, but I tried to make the most of academic freedom throughout my studies, and ended up studying a lot of different things, ranging from Natural Language Processing and statistics to Latin American studies. To me, the ability to study a wide variety of courses has been the best part of my studies so far. In my MSc thesis, I used Flickr data and spatial analysis coupled with computer vision methods to understand the importance of nature for tourists visiting the Canary Islands.

At the same time, I’ve been working in the Emergency Medical Services field as a planner.

Continue reading “Meet Matti Hästbacka, a Doctoral Researcher in the MOBICON project”