EGU 2017

European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2017 (Vienna,  Austria, 23–28 April 2017)

Here we come:

(EGU2017-11863) Impact of postfire management on soil respiration and C concentration in a managed hemiboreal forest. By Kajar Köster et al. in Session SSS9.3 Fire impacts on the Ecosystems

(EGU2017-7359) Soil organic matter decomposition and temperature sensitivity after forest fire in permafrost regions in Canada. By Heidi Aaltonen et al. in Session SSS9.13/BG9.45/CL4.06/CR4.7 Soils in cold-climate regions (co-organized)

(EGU2017-12058) Grazing by reindeer in subarctic coniferous forests — how it is affecting three main greenhouse gas emissions from soils. By Kajar Köster et al. in Session SSS10.1 The impact of grazing on land degradation: Identifying problems, causes and solutions from a global perspective

(EGU2017-13512) Biochar as a possible solution to shortcomings of traditional forest biomass utilization in Finland. By Egle Köster et al. in Session SSS5.4 Future challenges in biochar research

(EGU2017-9763) Stochiometry, Microbial community composition and decomposition, a modelling analysis. By Frank Berninger et al. in Session BG2.17 Advances in process understanding, modelling and predictions of soil biogeochemical cycles


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